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- Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:39 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: new guy here!!
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3781
RE:new guy here!!
Vibrax spinners work well, eggs under a bobber, I know from a boat Plugs work well, ive never fished that system, im sure Matt will chime in here soon and he will lead you in the right direction !
- Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:34 am
- Forum: Bass Fishing
- Topic: Camron.that.fishn.guy is moving away. Lets wish him a hearty good-bye.
- Replies: 11
- Views: 5038
RE:Camron.that.fishn.guy is moving away. Lets wish him a hearty good-bye.
Well Camron, i lived in Arizona for 8 months, never once stopped posting on the site.
Post all of your catches and expierences on the 'Beyond The Northwest' page, we would love to hear about it !
Good luck on your new adventures.!
Post all of your catches and expierences on the 'Beyond The Northwest' page, we would love to hear about it !
Good luck on your new adventures.!
- Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:46 pm
- Forum: Off Topic
- Topic: "The Special People" Of craigs List
- Replies: 11
- Views: 4684
RE:"The Special People" Of craigs List
Sorry for your luck !
I buy BROKEN Boat motors off of CL for anything under $100, Ill buy them. Fix 'em, and depending on the motor ive sold a motor up to $700 !
Im only 13, and already got my own little boat motor repair going !
I buy BROKEN Boat motors off of CL for anything under $100, Ill buy them. Fix 'em, and depending on the motor ive sold a motor up to $700 !
Im only 13, and already got my own little boat motor repair going !

- Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:56 pm
- Forum: Lake Fishing
- Topic: What freshwater fish would you love to catch?
- Replies: 40
- Views: 12655
RE:What freshwater fish would you love to catch?
Matt, channel cats are fun !
When i was in AZ , after they would stock the urban lakes every 2 weeks, my uncle and I would go out and catch lots of them !
A 5 pound channel cat, gives up a harder fight then a 5 pound pink would.!
When i was in AZ , after they would stock the urban lakes every 2 weeks, my uncle and I would go out and catch lots of them !
A 5 pound channel cat, gives up a harder fight then a 5 pound pink would.!
- Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:10 am
- Forum: Lake Fishing
- Topic: What freshwater fish would you love to catch?
- Replies: 40
- Views: 12655
RE:What freshwater fish would you love to catch?
Alligator gar in the NW? Where?
I learned in school that there are Snakeheads in WA state, so thats one i would like to catch.
As well as Small mouth bass.
I learned in school that there are Snakeheads in WA state, so thats one i would like to catch.
As well as Small mouth bass.
- Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:28 pm
- Forum: Off Topic
- Topic: Whats the story behind your screename?
- Replies: 58
- Views: 19311
RE:Whats the story behind your screename?
Well the 111397 in my name is my bday. 11-13-97. Fish bait comes from all that i use to use when fishing, all i use to fish for was trout, soo i would only use bait. Now i mainly fish for salmon, only went for trout twice this season. And when i was younger, and a fish got off i would yell "FISH BAI...
- Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:17 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: RIVER Fish Pictures !
- Replies: 386
- Views: 98317
RE:RIVER Fish Pictures !
Whos stringer did you steal that one off of, Nate?
Lol jk, Nice Fish ! :thumleft:

![Flapper [flapper]](./images/smilies/msp_flapper.gif)
Lol jk, Nice Fish ! :thumleft:
- Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:08 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: RIVER Fish Pictures !
- Replies: 386
- Views: 98317
RE:RIVER Fish Pictures !
Ive only caughten a few silvers, i went scoutin some new rivers today, found some coho.
Now I gotta wait for the October 1st Opener.

Now I gotta wait for the October 1st Opener.
- Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:40 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: RIVER Fish Pictures !
- Replies: 386
- Views: 98317
RE:RIVER Fish Pictures !
I know that feelin, i was out fishin saturday, i caught one small silver about 6 pounds and was ready to call it quits. LOLfishenfreak wrote: my arms are sore and the freezer is FULL. .
- Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:18 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: RIVER Fish Pictures !
- Replies: 386
- Views: 98317
RE:RIVER Fish Pictures !
Yeah I dont think Matt is jealous, hes easily one of the best fisherman on the site.
Im pretty sure he gets his share of all the fish out there.
Im pretty sure he gets his share of all the fish out there.
- Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:48 am
- Forum: Boat and Boating Topics
- Topic: What size outboard for my Boat???
- Replies: 13
- Views: 7269
RE:What size outboard for my Boat???
A 75 HP merc will push you right along. ![Scared [scared]](./images/smilies/msp_scared.gif)
![Scared [scared]](./images/smilies/msp_scared.gif)
- Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:02 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: RIVER Fish Pictures !
- Replies: 386
- Views: 98317
- Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:17 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Your best season?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 3173
RE:Your best season?
Matt wrote:I don't weigh my seasons by bodycount, I weigh them by experience and enjoyment.
Every season is the best season for fishing.
Thats VERY truue !
- Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:00 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Your best season?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 3173
Your best season?
What was your guys best salmon season ? This has by far been my best season ! I've gotten 18 kings, 7 pinks, and 4 silvers. I got my biggest king this season- 27 Pounds. My biggest pink- 7 pounds. My biggest silver- 8 pounds. My first limit of kings - 18 pounds/16 pounds. I have now gotten 4 limits ...
- Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:52 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: drift fishing rods?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 9046
RE:drift fishing rods?
Ive gotten 18 kings this season, 7 pinks (all out of the skok), and 4 silvers this season. All on an 8'6 rod.
My best season ever.
My best season ever.

- Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:36 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: RIVER Fish Pictures !
- Replies: 386
- Views: 98317
RE:RIVER Fish Pictures !
Got a nice bright hatchery buck today, see report for pictures.
- Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:04 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: pinks in the snoho
- Replies: 100
- Views: 30049
RE:pinks in the snoho
Hey curado, just wonderin- what count are you at for pinks? How many have ya got?
- Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:01 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Dumb question about Steelhead
- Replies: 7
- Views: 4161
RE:Dumb question about Steelhead
Sounds like a dolly varden to me..
- Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:44 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Do you use spoons or buzz bombs for pinks?
- Replies: 13
- Views: 7338
RE:Do you use spoons or buzz bombs for pinks?
I never fish buzzbombs in rivers, in salt yes. I do fish spoons, but only where its legal and i only fish 'em at the mouth. Further up I just go with good old corky and yarn ! Or as well as pink marabou jigs work really good for pinks as well.
- Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:14 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Just 'Cause I Don't Know
- Replies: 26
- Views: 10619
RE:Just 'Cause I Don't Know
Im done flossing-for good !
Im goin bigger and better ! and by that- i mean a big old fashin treble hook !
Lol jk.
You can floss with a 7 foot leader, you can floss with a 3 foot leader. I use longer leaders for when i do happen to floss- and so the fish arent getting scared of my weight.

You can floss with a 7 foot leader, you can floss with a 3 foot leader. I use longer leaders for when i do happen to floss- and so the fish arent getting scared of my weight.