Search found 76 matches

by scraig1962
Tue Dec 04, 2018 7:40 am
Forum: River Fishing
Topic: North fork stilly
Replies: 2
Views: 6849

Re: North fork stilly

Hwy 530 follows the N.fork Stilly so there's a lot of places to pull over and fish. I usually start at Fortson and work down from there. My favorite holes are Fortson, Cpost then Cicero and they all have produced steelhead in the past. I plan on taking my daughter up there this year. Pm me if you ne...
by scraig1962
Sun Aug 27, 2017 8:12 pm
Forum: Saltwater Fishing
Topic: Breaking news: OPEN SEASON on Atlantic Salmon - is this real!?!?
Replies: 42
Views: 23556

Re: Breaking news: OPEN SEASON on Atlantic Salmon - is this real!?!?

We got 12 friday and 5 saturday. They are close to shore in about 10-15 ft of water. They will roll like crazy throughout the day and then around 3pm they disappear. This might have something to do with the tides, Im not sure. Tossing Pt wilson darts, buzz bombs and hoochie spinners to rolling fish ...
by scraig1962
Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:27 am
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: First trip to Baker Lake
Replies: 7
Views: 4449

Re: First trip to Baker Lake

Since your staying at Swift Creek, I would try the area around Noisy Creek at first light, and venture off from there. This is the most popular spot by far, so you should see some boats there. We also had one of our best days a few years ago fishing the shallow area south west of the Shannon Creek l...
by scraig1962
Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:30 pm
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: Wear your PFD
Replies: 4
Views: 2458

Re: Wear your PFD

The camp host was saying the detectives suspect foul play. That was the camp host though.
by scraig1962
Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:11 pm
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: Skagit county lakes for trout.
Replies: 7
Views: 4684

Re: Skagit county lakes for trout.

You can have more than one vehicle at Baker, but you will have to pay an extra $9/night for each vehicle. I made reservations way back in March and got one of the last campsites available, so weekends get booked up pretty fast during sockeye season. We stayed at Horseshoe Cove and had a truck with t...
by scraig1962
Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:55 am
Forum: Boat and Boating Topics
Topic: Kicker size for aluminum boat 15'
Replies: 14
Views: 7320

Re: Kicker size for aluminum boat 15'

Why do you need another motor? I have a 16' alum boat with 30hp Mercury 4 stroke and find it trolls slow enough for everything I do from Baker Lake sockeye to Puget Sound salmon. I would think your 25hp would troll down plenty slow enough.
by scraig1962
Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:48 pm
Forum: Saltwater Fishing
Topic: Coho / Chinook how you fish for it
Replies: 32
Views: 20060

Re: Coho / Chinook how you fish for it

I believe it was forecasted to be 2ft or less today. Around 10 the wind was supposed to pick up. I get marine forecasts here: For accurate wind readings and also wind forecast I use an app called Wind Alert for android/ apple phones. That way you...
by scraig1962
Thu Sep 03, 2015 5:22 pm
Forum: Saltwater Fishing
Topic: Coho / Chinook how you fish for it
Replies: 32
Views: 20060

Re: Coho / Chinook how you fish for it

Last year was my first year trolling out there for coho since I got a boat that was "sea worthy." We did well following Johns rigs and advise, and also that article you wrote up BARCHASER. I too had equal results out deep and in close. Our best day last year was out deep when we got a double after m...
by scraig1962
Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:20 pm
Forum: River Fishing
Topic: Rain to open up rivers?
Replies: 34
Views: 14051

Re: Rain to open up rivers?

Thats for pink salmon. Looks like the forecast is about the same for wild coho as 2014 at about 32,000, but 2014 hatchery coho forecast was 5,840 and 0 for 2015.
by scraig1962
Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:04 pm
Forum: River Fishing
Topic: Rain to open up rivers?
Replies: 34
Views: 14051

Re: Rain to open up rivers?

My guess is the mud slide may have had an impact. The 2015 forecast for the stilly is about 200,000. 2013 forecast was around 400,000.
by scraig1962
Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:40 pm
Forum: River Fishing
Topic: Rain to open up rivers?
Replies: 34
Views: 14051

Re: Rain to open up rivers? September 2, 2015 Reopen the Skykomish River below the mouth of the Sultan River Action: Open the Skykomish River from the mouth upstream to the mouth of the Sultan River to fishing. Effective dates: Sept. 2, 2015, until further notice...
by scraig1962
Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:30 pm
Forum: River Fishing
Topic: Rain to open up rivers?
Replies: 34
Views: 14051

Re: Rain to open up rivers?

They opened back up today. See here:
by scraig1962
Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:33 am
Forum: Saltwater Fishing
Topic: Herring Strips
Replies: 7
Views: 4266

Re: Herring Strips

Just in time for coho... and probably still pink salmon out there too. I was at 3 rivers last weekend drooling over the 21' NR Seahawks they have... man those are nice boats. Hopefully my next boat will be a NR.
by scraig1962
Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:33 pm
Forum: Saltwater Fishing
Topic: Herring Strips
Replies: 7
Views: 4266

Re: Herring Strips

I use black label herring cause I like nice long Great idea. I will have to try that. Green labels aren't very fun to fillet. Let it sit in the container 6-7 hours, drain off the liquid before you pop it in the freezer. Just grab it and go. Last year I tried using some strips for blackmouth that ha...
by scraig1962
Fri Aug 28, 2015 5:05 pm
Forum: Saltwater Fishing
Topic: Herring Strips
Replies: 7
Views: 4266

Re: Herring Strips

Ive just been using a 3/8-1/2" chunk of herring. Havent noticed any difference in catch rates. I see them on the Dicks website though. Might be worth a try.
by scraig1962
Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:55 am
Forum: Saltwater Fishing
Topic: Coho / Chinook how you fish for it
Replies: 32
Views: 20060

Re: Coho / Chinook how you fish for it

Johns sporting goods in Evt has custom made kingfisher spoons that have a barrel swivel on the attachment location and stainless steel hooks with a barrel swivel on them. Thats what I was using for Kings when Ma9 was open. There is one called Herring Aid (not custom) that is hard to find but thats w...
by scraig1962
Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:36 am
Forum: Boat and Boating Topics
Topic: To sell, or not to sell
Replies: 25
Views: 17203

Re: To sell, or not to sell

Keep the big boat for the big water and buy another small boat for small lakes.
by scraig1962
Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:56 am
Forum: Saltwater Fishing
Topic: Lawless Pt/Lawless Cove
Replies: 3
Views: 2887

Re: Lawless Pt/Lawless Cove

Not sure. I searched for "law" in Navionics and the only thing that came up within thousands of miles was Lawrence Point in the San Juans.
by scraig1962
Tue Aug 25, 2015 8:30 pm
Forum: Saltwater Fishing
Topic: How to catch something new?
Replies: 11
Views: 9393

Re: How to catch something new?

Good luck out there. 2" is perfect for casting into shallow water close to shore but 2.5" is better for deeper water. I've never used any larger than 2.5".
by scraig1962
Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:25 am
Forum: Saltwater Fishing
Topic: How to catch something new?
Replies: 11
Views: 9393

Re: How to catch something new?

Mukilteo to Shipwreck would be the place to be right now. You don't need to go out far to get into fish. Last time I was out they were surfacing all over. Cast your buzz bombs to the surfacing fish, let sink 5-10 seconds and jig back to you kayak. For trolling, the fish have been suspended at 20-35f...