Search found 4 matches

by 8Fish_box
Mon May 16, 2011 4:15 pm
Forum: Collectible fishing tackle
Topic: "Issaquah Creek" Fly Rod
Replies: 7
Views: 21940

RE:"Issaquah Creek" Fly Rod

Well I don't know anything about the fly pole but my family grew up in Issaquah. My father who was born 1941 graduated Issaquah high. My father knew a guy by the name of Marty Clark, who lived on North Fork Issaquah Creek. Marty has been building custom fishing poles for 40 + years for my family. Ma...
by 8Fish_box
Fri May 13, 2011 1:40 am
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: State funds.
Replies: 13
Views: 4408

RE:State funds.

Anyone think that Washington State taking funds from Fish & Wildlife is WRONG!! Washington fish & wildlife are struggling to rebuild boat ramps, fishinng docks & maintaining the sport we all love. Something should be done about this. Anyone have ideas? Maybe a new Initiative I-2011 ?
by 8Fish_box
Wed May 11, 2011 5:30 pm
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: State funds.
Replies: 13
Views: 4408

State funds.

I was told that if a infraction happens on a lake due to fishing regs. The funds are placed in a state slush fund & aren't given to fish & wildlife. Anyone know is this true?
by 8Fish_box
Tue May 10, 2011 5:06 am
Forum: Boat and Boating Topics
Topic: No motorized boats allowed...does this also mean electric
Replies: 15
Views: 15511

RE:No motorized boats allowed...does this also mean electric

Most times no motor allowed means combustion motors. Electrics dont put out any polution.:)