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- Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:39 pm
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Im getting the pinks itch!!! when can i have at em?
- Replies: 74
- Views: 24973
RE:Im getting the pinks itch!!! when can i have at em?
I fished the sound in a 14' boat and a 8hp motor all growing up. its completely doable in these waters, but it can get a little dicey some days. For pinks, I would stick to mouths of the rivers however. Get those big schools in skinny water and you can really increase your catch rate. There are a co...
- Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:52 pm
- Forum: Trout and Kokanee Fishing
- Topic: March 1st!!!!
- Replies: 7
- Views: 4812
March 1st!!!!
So after picking up river (salmon) fishing a few years back, trout fishing just doesn't hold the same appeal. But the March 1st opener is some of my favorite fishing. 1st camping trip of the year, do some GREAT trout fishing, hang out in the sun. I cant wait, going to OE on Friday to stock up and sp...
- Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:43 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Patteros lodging?
- Replies: 10
- Views: 6076
RE:Patteros lodging?
Just wanted to thank everyone again for the info and tips on Patteros. It was my first time there and what a great little area for fishing. You have Lake Patteros, Methow River, Okanogan (sp?) river, Alta lake, 2 other lakes and Rufus woods all with in a half hour drive. Plus lake Chelan and Lake Ro...
- Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:43 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Patteros lodging?
- Replies: 10
- Views: 6076
RE:Patteros lodging?
Wow thanks guys. This was just the stuff I was looking for. Big D: I checked out that hotel and that would be perfect. The plan is to stay there, hopefully they have an open room for us. Matt: I read through all the reports and your tip seems spot on. The only problem is almost all the reports are f...
- Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:11 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Patteros lodging?
- Replies: 10
- Views: 6076
Patteros lodging?
Hey family it has been too long. Its that time of year again when I get "the itch". With work, the holidays, and yucky weather I havnt been on the water in months. December 6th was the last time I wet a line. But a couple days after my last outing, someone decided they needed my river bag a l...
- Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:22 pm
- Forum: Trout and Kokanee Fishing
- Topic: Winter trout fishing in washington state
- Replies: 26
- Views: 17412
RE:Winter trout fishing in washington state
Taz said it. Well thats how I do it anyway. Shorter leader and slightly bigger bait.
But why would you soak your worms in warm water?
But why would you soak your worms in warm water?
- Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:16 pm
- Forum: Walleye and Panfish Sponsored By Mar Don Resort
- Topic: I-82 ponds walleye? Catfish?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5294
RE:I-82 ponds walleye? Catfish?
Never have fished those ponds but I heard that the walleye never did too well. And the cats are big, but few and far between
- Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:24 pm
- Forum: Walleye and Panfish Sponsored By Mar Don Resort
- Replies: 57
- Views: 35358
Yes bottom bouncers and bottom walkers are an absolute must for walleye. I like the bottom bouncers when trolling rocky or weedy waters. Over in the potholes when the water is high the walleye will hide in the willows. You can bounce the wire off the tops of the willows and not get snagged. And same...
- Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:09 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Sockeye?
- Replies: 37
- Views: 13380
If it was a male, its nothing that is "supposed" to be in the Green. But if were a female.... I can almost see a little chum or humpy in there. But male, no way its either of those. I dont know sockeye too well, but have heard rumors of a small run on the Green. So by process of elimination, and bei...
- Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:04 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Replies: 138
- Views: 45022
Did alittle fishing and scouting on the green yestertday. Only fished about an hour and didnt even see 1 rise. Spent most the time drifting and had something bump into my weight. There was 2 HUGE chum dead on shore. 1 looked like it was caught/cleaned just for the eggs [-x . Went higher up and the w...
- Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:42 pm
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Westport
- Replies: 10
- Views: 6202
Well heading out tommarow morning. Gonna stay at the Islander. Hopefully nail a couple crab along with a salmon, and just relax. Thanks for all the tips guys
- Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:07 pm
- Forum: Culinary Delights - Fish Recipes
- Topic: Has anyone smoked boot kings before?
- Replies: 35
- Views: 11885
RE:Has anyone smoked boot kings before?
Hey knot the offer is still there, just got to catch something first and then we both get good smoked salmon:cheers: I got some work over by Hanford next week, hopefully I can get a nice 40lb URB and we will have salmon for days spokey9; that remeinds me of a guy down on the Green last year who had ...
- Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:12 pm
- Forum: Culinary Delights - Fish Recipes
- Topic: Has anyone smoked boot kings before?
- Replies: 35
- Views: 11885
RE:Has anyone smoked boot kings before?
A guys definition of a "boot" salmon can vary greatly. I have heard time and time again the whole "itll smoke up just fine" saying. I have tried it, on 4 of the 5 salmon species and it just isnt true. A nice colored up fish, maybe a pink with a small hump, a chum with the k9s starting to show or a h...
- Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:16 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Replies: 11
- Views: 4706
The rivers have been droping like flies because of the small silver run this year. Lets hope the Green dodges the bullet, but I am afraid the Green/Duwamish will be next.
- Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:13 pm
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Westport
- Replies: 10
- Views: 6202
Thanks for the tip scott080379. I have never used a cut plug other than for trolling or mooching. If I see more kings, I have a feeling thats gonna change. I like the idea behind a banana weight.
- Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:53 pm
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Westport
- Replies: 10
- Views: 6202
Yeah I will probally give the jetty a go to.
Thats what I see most using is spinner of some type. How do you fish your cut plug? Just under a float?
Thats what I see most using is spinner of some type. How do you fish your cut plug? Just under a float?
- Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:36 pm
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Westport
- Replies: 10
- Views: 6202
Might be going to Westport this weekend. Not doing a charter or anything just hanging out. But I want to do some fishing in the boat basin for salmon. Just wondering if anybody out there has fished for the salmon in the boat basin. I have fished it a few times for salmon but never did any good. Or i...
- Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:12 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: pinks next year
- Replies: 40
- Views: 13346
RE:pinks next year
I know the Puke got a little less than the Green. But when you talking a couple hundred thousand, you are just splitting hairs. I want to say the Green was 1.3 mil. and the Puke was 900k. But maybe that was the original forecast, and not the actual run. I remember the pinks showed up in the Puyallup...
- Thu Sep 30, 2010 4:40 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Replies: 138
- Views: 45022
Green has been pretty slow for most. Since last Friday I have fished every day but 1. I have seen maybe 50 fish jump/rise in that time period, probably less. I have seen less than 10 people fishing. The week before that I fished the entire week. There was way more fish and way more fisher people. Be...
- Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:04 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Silver run
- Replies: 12
- Views: 5458
RE:Silver run
Yeah its really too bad, and I feel for the guys who lost their coho season on their local river. I think most of us got a taste of that last winter with our week chum run (I know chum/hos peas/carrots). But you have to remember its being done for the best even if it is a little early. I would rathe...