Search found 36 matches
- Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:59 pm
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Need Halibut Fishing Partner
- Replies: 8
- Views: 8454
Re: Need Halibut Fishing Partner
this is so temping......
- Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:19 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Cowlitz this time of year?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 7854
Re: Cowlitz this time of year?
Anyone been down lately?? Headed down Thursday for the first time since February and I haven't heard much. I noticed the dam got 300 steel and 300 springers last week so the numbers are getting better. Anyone have recommendations for high water tackle? The guys I go with are adamant about drift fis...
- Wed Apr 12, 2017 4:10 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Skookumuchuck river
- Replies: 30
- Views: 19194
Re: Skookumuchuck river
I was there yesterday. Water level/clarity was good, and the weather was nice. The place was deserted save a couple of guys at the hatchery. No fish to be seen. I was there from dawn until about 11am. Started out at the lower river and hit up by the hatchery afterwards. I was up at blue creek the f...
- Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:51 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Skookumuchuck river
- Replies: 30
- Views: 19194
Re: Skookumuchuck river
any updates on the river? ive never fished it before and im thinking about hitting this river on the way back up from the cowlitz.
- Fri Feb 17, 2017 5:13 pm
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Salmon Tackle Box
- Replies: 36
- Views: 18172
Re: Salmon Tackle Box
Ok, this may be a futile question but just like the other post I made about Lingcod, what is everyone's favorite rig or setup for fishing the salt for salmon? I am aware this could get a little out of control because there are so many different styles and variations and species. if you had to pick ...
- Thu Feb 09, 2017 6:30 pm
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Lingcod Tackle Box
- Replies: 14
- Views: 9623
Re: Lingcod Tackle Box
catch sand dabs no larger than the side of your your hand, send them down, crank up a little bit of line, and hold on. are you fishing from a boat or pier?
- Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:36 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Christmas thread.
- Replies: 9
- Views: 6621
Re: Christmas thread.
i got Redington HDZ waders, $80 gift card (which bought my shimano nasci 300), couple of beanies to keep me warm, and swedish fish. I bought myself a new umpqua hip pack and a 1163 imx.
- Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:20 pm
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Prawn and jig for Chum in saltwater
- Replies: 13
- Views: 7380
Re: Prawn and jig for Chum in saltwater
chico is closed. my brother went and checked it out to see if there are any fish and nothing at all.
- Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:21 pm
- Forum: Products & Gear
- Topic: New salmon trolling rod
- Replies: 8
- Views: 4701
Re: New salmon trolling rod
Went to a lamiglas 1064gh and I love it. A shimano Claris was my last rod and still use it as a back up
- Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:01 pm
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Prawn and jig for Chum in saltwater
- Replies: 13
- Views: 7380
Re: Prawn and jig for Chum in saltwater
any updates? ill be in bremerton area this weekend and was thinking about going out to hoodsport.
- Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:43 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Snoho/Sky/Wallace Open for Coho!!!
- Replies: 125
- Views: 54912
Re: Snoho/Sky/Wallace Open for Coho!!!
Oh sorry about that, it's always a rude surprise! Better get out the aquaseal or the loon UV cure. You should keep a tube of the loon in your fish pack or bag. Find the leak and smear it in good and put it in the sun or hit it with the uv flashlight and you're back in the river. It only takes a coup...
- Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:04 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Snoho/Sky/Wallace Open for Coho!!!
- Replies: 125
- Views: 54912
Re: Snoho/Sky/Wallace Open for Coho!!!
Got to the river around 745am and got 2 jacks! but unfortunately found a nice size leak in my waders.
- Fri Oct 21, 2016 3:09 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Snoho/Sky/Wallace Open for Coho!!!
- Replies: 125
- Views: 54912
Re: Snoho/Sky/Wallace Open for Coho!!!
maybe ill see some of you guys in the morning!
- Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:09 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Snoho/Sky/Wallace Open for Coho!!!
- Replies: 125
- Views: 54912
Re: Snoho/Sky/Wallace Open for Coho!!!
i will give it a try Saturday and Sunday. I just want to get a fish on my centerpin.
- Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:58 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Snoho/Sky/Wallace Open for Coho!!!
- Replies: 125
- Views: 54912
Re: Snoho/Sky/Wallace Open for Coho!!!
i just looked at usgs for river flows and i have been running into all sorts of bad luck trying to get out fishing. i plan on going to the wallace tomorrow but with all this rain im guessing its pretty high and dirty. any suggestions would help!
- Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:44 pm
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Chico or John's Creek reports??
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2704
Re: Chico or John's Creek reports??
im looking at the regs and it states "Chico and Gorst Creeks Mouths Closures: All waters within channels created by exposed tidelands are CLOSED to fishing for SALMON"
i use to fish chico a lot when i was younger but havent tried in many years.
i use to fish chico a lot when i was younger but havent tried in many years.
- Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:22 pm
- Forum: Shellfishing/Squid/Crayfish
- Topic: The kind of Crabs we Would like to catch
- Replies: 10
- Views: 20376
Re: The kind of Crabs we Would like to catch
there should be a winter season i think its sometime next month. i would call wdfw.
- Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:01 pm
- Forum: Announcements and Fishing/Club Notices
- Topic: Green river to open for coho
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3146
Re: Green river to open for coho
i know what im doing tomorrow!
- Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:36 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: 2016 Summer Steelhead pics/reports
- Replies: 23
- Views: 15619
Re: 2016 Summer Steelhead pics/reports
brat bonker teach me how to slayyy
- Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:55 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: 2016 Summer Steelhead pics/reports
- Replies: 23
- Views: 15619
Re: 2016 Summer Steelhead pics/reports
i know where!!! slaymazz