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by Melodie
Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:03 pm
Forum: Here Pikey Pikey...
Topic: New website in pending battle against voracious pike
Replies: 87
Views: 34656

Re: New website in pending battle against voracious pike

Wow, sometime I just amazed by the things that come out of peoples mouth (or keys). Yourdaddy is so wrong on so many different areas. The days of fishing for big Pike are not gone. And we have been saying it over and over again....manage the fishery! I'm pretty sure yourdaddy has no idea how long YJ...
by Melodie
Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:57 pm
Forum: Here Pikey Pikey...
Topic: New website in pending battle against voracious pike
Replies: 87
Views: 34656

Re: New website in pending battle against voracious pike

Well, I got me reply from Rich Landers at the Spokesman Review. To his credit he got back to me very quickly. Actually in about 10 minutes. Unfortunately for the pike in the POR his reply sounds like he is a supporter of what's going on up there right now. He didn't come right out and say that. Tha...
by Melodie
Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:57 pm
Forum: Here Pikey Pikey...
Topic: New website in pending battle against voracious pike
Replies: 87
Views: 34656

Re: New website in pending battle against voracious pike

Give credit where credit is due. Mark K. I just went back and read some of the other posts on this thread. I see where you were the first to mention the same thing I was just talking about with consentrating the Pike control efforts in the Boundry Reservoir. I believe you have the right idea there....
by Melodie
Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:00 am
Forum: Here Pikey Pikey...
Topic: New website in pending battle against voracious pike
Replies: 87
Views: 34656

Re: New website in pending battle against voracious pike

I totally agree with you Mark! My question is, why does this make so much sense to so many and no sense to WDFW. It seems like they have a vendetta out and won't even consider what the fisherpeople say. This issue has been researched by so many and we can be a valuable resourse if utilized.
by Melodie
Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:08 pm
Forum: Here Pikey Pikey...
Topic: New website in pending battle against voracious pike
Replies: 87
Views: 34656

Re: New website in pending battle against voracious pike

I have truly had enough with this, "kill all the Pike" business! It seems that WDFW does not want to listen to facts. The pike are not the threat that they are making them out to be. All studies that I have read state that the Pike can be a benefit to the waterway, not a threat and this information ...