Search found 156 matches
- Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:31 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: drift fishing rods?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 9046
RE:drift fishing rods?
More than likely, you're splitting lips, not spitting hooks. Pinks have soft mouths. Sounds like your rods are fine, thay are'nt the Cadillacs that Nate has but good just the same. I have a current love affair with the new Berkley IM8's. A rod does not have to cost hundreds to be good, but you can t...
- Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:23 am
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Coho reports in A9 and 8-2?
- Replies: 35
- Views: 16747
RE:Coho reports in A9 and 8-2?
I've seen those reports from CQ also. Don't take alot of stock in them. With that many pinks in the creel reports tells me that the fishermen are trolling WAY to slow. To effectivly fish HO's at CQ you gotta be hauling arse. The fish are there, you just have to break all the rules that you have been...
- Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:29 pm
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Neah Bay Trip
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2319
RE:Neah Bay Trip
Hey, check out snow creek resort. Great prices, people and its not on the res. They have a sling and trolly launch and cabins or dry camping. Jake and Craig are great hosts. I spend a week there every year and can't wait to go back. Good fishing within a 2-3 mile radius and its only 1.5-2 miles to t...
- Sun May 08, 2011 1:29 pm
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Gotta get some BUTTS!!!
- Replies: 8
- Views: 4768
RE:Gotta get some BUTTS!!!
I'm heading out today to spend the week @ Snow Creek in Neah Bay. We will be in a cabin with 2 pop up canopys outside. Stop in and say hi if ya want, we will tap our keg to celebrate the introductions!!!! Yeah for a vacation.
Look for me, always in a black G-Loomis hat.
Look for me, always in a black G-Loomis hat.
- Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:36 am
- Forum: Trout and Kokanee Fishing
- Topic: Lake Ki trout plant, OUCH
- Replies: 9
- Views: 4653
RE:Lake Ki trout plant, OUCH
I know your pain. I saw where Langlois only got 1900, and nowhere on the list was Margaret. Langlois used to get twice that. Hey Matt, you're in the loop, is this the fallout from the hatchery funding issues or do they really think Rattlesnake(catch and release) needs 10,000 fish?
- Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:52 am
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: Dogfish questions
- Replies: 14
- Views: 6672
RE:Dogfish questions
If your really serious about targeting dogs(i think your pulling my leg) use a steel leader. I think a musky outfit would be perfect. They dont have teeth, it's more like rows of razor blades. Here's a fun trick... When you catch one, grab it by the nose and hold it straight out. Thay look slippery ...
- Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:00 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: This year springers
- Replies: 9
- Views: 4455
RE:This year springers
I believe the rule of thumb for Drano Lake is , don't even bother until there is several days with 1000 fish passing Bonniville Dam. We are a long way from that.
- Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:33 pm
- Forum: Lake Fishing
- Topic: Round vs low profile bait casting reels
- Replies: 13
- Views: 12863
RE:Round vs low profile bait casting reels
If you got the bucks, I beat this like a dead horse, the Shimano Curado. Low profile, light weight and tough as heck. And you can cast to most other zip codes!!!!!
- Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:51 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Winter Steel
- Replies: 787
- Views: 198746
RE:Winter Steel
![ThumbsUp [thumbsup]](./images/smilies/msp_thumbsup.gif)
- Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:03 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Winter Steel
- Replies: 787
- Views: 198746
RE:Winter Steel
Forget the critics:-({|= . I, along with others, now have an intrest to fish outside my normal areas. Figure the Vedder is no longer a drive than OP. Keep 'em coming and ignore the haters who are obviously jealous( I sure am!!!!)
- Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:03 am
- Forum: Saltwater Fishing
- Topic: A line tossed just for the Halibut -
- Replies: 8
- Views: 5192
RE:A line tossed just for the Halibut -
To answer the question, Ya, they love to fish. Pete is the regular checker during summer Elliot Bay king season (when its open) and on his off time is usually in a boat out there. I would only assume that its required to have a valid license.......Maybe Matt can chime in and clarify (speaking of som...
- Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:58 am
- Forum: Lake Fishing
- Topic: Fishing Dreams/Goals!
- Replies: 22
- Views: 7235
RE:Fishing Dreams/Goals!
Hey guys......We got someone to pickle our salmon:cheers: Pinks are great for that[drool]
- Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:25 am
- Forum: Lake Fishing
- Topic: Fishing Dreams/Goals!
- Replies: 22
- Views: 7235
RE:Fishing Dreams/Goals!
Great thread. My goals have been set to be realistic.......( not that 5 world records is'nt realistic....JK ) #1- 60lb Halibut, 40lb Ling and a 30lb king (keeper) in this fiscal year #2- Catch 5 salmon species in one fiscal year (king,silver,sockeye,chum,pink) #3- Take atleast one person fishing tha...
- Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:37 pm
- Forum: Lake Fishing
- Topic: Gettin ready. Checked out listed lakes...
- Replies: 12
- Views: 5257
RE:Gettin ready. Checked out listed lakes...
I have fished Langlois many times after dark. I don't think they close the gates. I have never seen it closed. I used to live in Carnation and fished it quite often.
- Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:08 am
- Forum: Products & Gear
- Topic: Reel for my float rod
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3447
RE:Reel for my float rod
Congrats on the IM8. I just got an 8-6 and love it!!! I am totally biased. I know nothing about the Okuma reels. All my rods are set up with Curado 200e7's. I know Okuma has come leaps and bounds in the last few years but its hard to beat the reliabilty and ease of casting that the Curado offer. I g...
- Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:48 pm
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Drano Lake on the Columbia River
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2375
RE:Drano Lake on the Columbia River
Drano usually has same regs as Columbia above Bonneville dam. If your having trouble finding the specific regs, look at WDFW emergency rules updates.
- Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:19 am
- Forum: Products & Gear
- Topic: Shimano Curado 200E7 Baitcasting reel, $139 @ Ebay, looks good to me!
- Replies: 15
- Views: 9776
RE:Shimano Curado 200E7 Baitcasting reel, $139 @ Ebay, looks good to me!
I was totally suprised by the new berkley IM8 series rod. Check it out. At 70$ its worth a look. WAY better than its predessesor models. I bought one when I got my last curado and like it better than my GL2. At 70$ they are perfect for tossing around the bank or boat and you loose nothin in strength...
- Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:29 am
- Forum: Products & Gear
- Topic: Shimano Curado 200E7 Baitcasting reel, $139 @ Ebay, looks good to me!
- Replies: 15
- Views: 9776
RE:Shimano Curado 200E7 Baitcasting reel, $139 @ Ebay, looks good to me!
I wore out my first book of Johns and had to get the new and imroved one. The information in his book has helped me to catch more fish than any other resource i've ever come accross. I try to shop at his store as much as possible. If he does not have something your looking for he usually will order ...
- Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:57 am
- Forum: River Fishing
- Topic: Chrome Brite guide service, not so shiny!
- Replies: 41
- Views: 13384
RE:Chrome Brite guide service, not so shiny!
If your fishin in combat areas, you should be prepared to deal with situations like this. Reiter and blue creek have a tendency to scrape the bottom of the gene pool. We all know it and should have more patience than usual when fishin these areas. As for the fly-guy, I fish gear and flys.......flys ...
- Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:51 am
- Forum: Products & Gear
- Topic: Shimano Curado 200E7 Baitcasting reel, $139 @ Ebay, looks good to me!
- Replies: 15
- Views: 9776
RE:Shimano Curado 200E7 Baitcasting reel, $139 @ Ebay, looks good to me!
Also, figure in the shipping prices with ebay and, you will still have to get it spooled with line.