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by Don Wittenberger
Thu Jul 18, 2024 9:31 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: Couldn't get into NWFR forum
Replies: 0
Views: 2978

Couldn't get into NWFR forum

I couldn't get into this forum for several months. Did anybody else have that problem?
by Don Wittenberger
Thu Jul 18, 2024 9:22 pm
Forum: Announcements and Fishing/Club Notices
Topic: Constitutionality of watercraft inspection stations
Replies: 7
Views: 43795

Re: Constitutionality of watercraft inspection stations

From my perspective as a lawyer, there's nothing wrong with someone wanting to know what their rights are. General answer: It isn't legal just because the government does it, and the government doing it doesn't make it legal. Law professors love to bombard law students with hypotheticals, and being ...
by Don Wittenberger
Thu Jul 18, 2024 9:08 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: Tiger Musky stocking in 2022 and 2023
Replies: 0
Views: 2000

Tiger Musky stocking in 2022 and 2023

2022 - Merwin 1600, Mayfield 850, Tapps 1100, Newman 600, Curlew 250, Silver 250, Evergreen 300.
2023 - Merwin 2020, Mayfield 1000, Tapps 1181, Newman 1000, Curlew 250, Silver 437, Evergreen 350.
by Don Wittenberger
Mon Oct 02, 2023 2:41 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: Merwin fishing report for Sep. 29 - Oct. 1, 2023
Replies: 0
Views: 17087

Merwin fishing report for Sep. 29 - Oct. 1, 2023

I fished Merwin this weekend with my friends Mike and Vince. The landing net was the most useless piece of gear in the boat. We got one follow apiece over the course of three days. My theory is Mike Floyd was here last weekend and all the muskies have sore jaws. I've known for years Merwin has a lar...
by Don Wittenberger
Thu Oct 27, 2022 5:36 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: Mike's German Shepherd loves me and that's a problem
Replies: 3
Views: 8493

Re: Mike's German Shepherd loves me and that's a problem

I wrote this so newcomers to our sport will realize musky fishing isn't as simple as getting in a boat and casting lures. It can involve sleeping with dogs, too. Some of us will do anything to get on the water.
by Don Wittenberger
Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:55 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: Mike's German Shepherd loves me and that's a problem
Replies: 3
Views: 8493

Mike's German Shepherd loves me and that's a problem

I met Freddy, a 3-year-old German shepherd, while staying with Mike on my Merwin trip this month. Mike adopted Freddy this summer. After I arrived at Mike's place, a couple things happened. First, Freddy snatched the piece of deli chicken I was trying to eat for lunch out of my hand. Maybe that's wh...
by Don Wittenberger
Thu Oct 27, 2022 1:20 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: I guess you want to know if the pandemic affected tiger musky stocking
Replies: 0
Views: 5110

I guess you want to know if the pandemic affected tiger musky stocking

It didn't! Of all the bad things that have happened in the last couple years -- Covid illness and death, economic dislocations and mass unemployment, war, inflation, etc. -- I have something happy to report. Amid the pandemic disruptions, of all the many things that could've gone wrong with keeping ...
by Don Wittenberger
Sun Oct 16, 2022 4:05 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: It's July in October, and Merwin is still fishable
Replies: 0
Views: 5158

It's July in October, and Merwin is still fishable

This year's hot weather has kept Merwin's muskies fishable longer than usual. As of Saturday, October 15, the surface water temp is 69-70 degrees in the sun and 66-67 degrees in the shade. In past years, the fish typically disappeared when the water temp dropped below about 64-65 degrees; air temp h...
by Don Wittenberger
Fri Sep 09, 2022 8:18 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: Rest in peace, old fishing buddy
Replies: 1
Views: 5425

Rest in peace, old fishing buddy

Tony Welch was born in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, in 1935 and grew up in musky country. In his later years he lived in Portland, Oregon. I don't recall how I met up with him, but he and Mike Nielsen and I fished Merwin together many times. Tony's best Merwin fish was a 26 lb. tiger caught down by the da...
by Don Wittenberger
Tue Mar 16, 2021 7:52 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: WDFW is developing a non-native game fish policy
Replies: 1
Views: 12906

WDFW is developing a non-native game fish policy

Just a heads up to warmwater species anglers that WDFW is formulating a non-native game fish policy. An advisory group was appointed last year (I'm not on it), a couple of virtual meetings have been held, and WDFW staff put on a 2-hour online presentation tonight, which I watched. There's a WDFW web...
by Don Wittenberger
Tue Mar 16, 2021 7:39 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: 2019 and 2020 tiger muskie stocking data
Replies: 0
Views: 8937

2019 and 2020 tiger muskie stocking data

WDFW usually stocks about 5,000 to 6,000 tiger musky fingerlings (about 14") every year, depending on hatchery production and survival. In 2019 Merwin got 1,500, Mayfield 800, Tapps 850, Newman 400, Curlew 225, Silver 200, Evergreen 300, total 4,275. In 2020 Merwin got 1,600, Mayfield 900, Tapps 1,2...
by Don Wittenberger
Tue Mar 16, 2021 7:31 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: New WDFW warmwater fisheries manager
Replies: 0
Views: 8743

New WDFW warmwater fisheries manager

Bruce Bolding retired last year and Ken Behen is now the warmwater manager.
by Don Wittenberger
Tue Mar 16, 2021 7:22 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: Western WA Tiger Musky Group
Replies: 1
Views: 10025

Re: Western WA Tiger Musky Group

Hi birdman, I live in Shoreline (north King County), and fish Mayfield and Merwin out of my musky boat (Tuffy Esox Magnum). My regular fishing buddies are in their 80s now, and aging out of the sport; I'm younger than those guys (age 75) and still going strong. One of them lives at Merwin, and I usu...
by Don Wittenberger
Sun Mar 24, 2019 10:05 am
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: New personal best
Replies: 9
Views: 20341

Re: New personal best

This is my friend Mike with a 48 inch, 28 lb. fish caught and released in August 2006. Yours looks very similar in size. Below that is Mike's 31.15 lb. fish caught in September 2005 and released after being weighed on the hatchery's scale. Yours isn't that big. I doubt your fish broke 30 lbs., but i...
by Don Wittenberger
Sun Mar 24, 2019 9:58 am
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: Anyone Lose A Musky Fly Case At Merwin?
Replies: 3
Views: 19828

Re: Anyone Lose A Musky Fly Case At Merwin?

I guess I should post a correction. I get bigger as I get older, too. That's a problem.
by Don Wittenberger
Sun Mar 24, 2019 9:51 am
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: WDFW Underfunding
Replies: 1
Views: 14839

WDFW Underfunding

A Seattle Times guest editorial last week urged the Legislature to stop underfunding WDFW. The writers pointed out that WDFW faces a $15 million a year funding gap while sales taxes on "purchases to enjoy fish and wildlife" annually return $120 million more to state coffers than legislators invest i...
by Don Wittenberger
Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:02 am
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: Merwin is fished out and other feeble excuses
Replies: 2
Views: 20089

Re: Merwin is fished out and other feeble excuses

It's about a 5 hour drive each way for me, counting a gas stop in Woodland, and I have to fight through Seattle-Tacoma traffic to get there. This time, I left home on a Thursday afternoon and it took me 3 hours just to make the 77 miles from my home in Shoreline to Olympia. Fortunately, I have a pla...
by Don Wittenberger
Tue Oct 02, 2018 2:05 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: Anyone Lose A Musky Fly Case At Merwin?
Replies: 3
Views: 19828

Re: Anyone Lose A Musky Fly Case At Merwin?

Yeah, but they get bigger as they get older, whereas I just get older. [crying]
by Don Wittenberger
Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:03 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: Merwin is fished out and other feeble excuses
Replies: 2
Views: 20089

Merwin is fished out and other feeble excuses

I just spent 9 days at Merwin and didn't catch a damned thing except for a 37-incher. A 42-incher got away. After years of doing this, I've come to realize there are three decisive factors in catching muskies at Merwin: (1) Time of year, (2) weather, and (3) hooksets. This is the right time of year,...
by Don Wittenberger
Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:45 pm
Forum: Muskie Fishing
Topic: Anyone Lose A Musky Fly Case At Merwin?
Replies: 3
Views: 19828

Anyone Lose A Musky Fly Case At Merwin?

Sign posted at Speelyai boat launch:

"Found: Tiger Muskie Fly Case. Describe. Call Bill Foss 360-231-4351"

The sign went up the day after the tournament and was still there when I left Sunday.