Search found 166 matches

by Pradeep
Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:44 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: You want'a take a bike ride?
Replies: 18
Views: 5604

RE:You want'a take a bike ride?

Wow. Dumb maybe but man, can you gotta give it to him, he has a brass set of you know what and skills to boot.
by Pradeep
Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:57 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Thanks!!!!!!!!
Replies: 7
Views: 2741


Extended family is a great way of putting it Mike. It's your own lil facebook world for Anglers! lol
by Pradeep
Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:23 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Replies: 11
Views: 4083


Happy New Year Everyone!!
by Pradeep
Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:43 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: New Years Resolutions
Replies: 25
Views: 7394

RE:New Years Resolutions

For those trying to quit smoking. Chantix is the way to go in my opinion. I smoked for 18 years, a pack a day. I got to the 3rd week (first week you smoke while taking the pill) and never looked back. They say it can take up to 3 months worth of use but for me, 3 weeks was all I needed. I am around ...
by Pradeep
Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:23 am
Forum: Off Topic
Replies: 11
Views: 3977


Ralph - Thanks for starting this one

Merry Christmas and best wishes headed into the New Year to the entire Walakes family!
by Pradeep
Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:05 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: NKorea fires artillery onto SKorean island
Replies: 31
Views: 10944

RE:NKorea fires artillery onto SKorean island

The North can not win in this situation. They do not have enough support or power to stand up to this situation. China is not going to risk military involvement and the north knows that. The biggest mistake that the North Koreans can make is to have a missile go off target and kill US soldiers. That...
by Pradeep
Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:12 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Legalization of Marijuana
Replies: 19
Views: 7613

RE:Legalization of Marijuana

Legalize it! Tax it, generate lots of money to do something about our roads, teacher, police officers, fire fighters and everyone else who keeps us safe.
by Pradeep
Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:06 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: So what are your Thanksgiving day plans??
Replies: 26
Views: 8353

RE:So what are your Thanksgiving day plans??

Turkey day at my house with my side of the family and my wife's dad. It's tradition for us. The wifey is up and cooking at oh dark thirty and by the time I crawl my way outta bed, the smells of Thanksgiving has taken over the house! Can't wait for it. She makes everything from scratch and we eat til...
by Pradeep
Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:55 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Any bets on first snow
Replies: 63
Views: 17024

RE:Any bets on first snow

I can't believe that snow is being discussed in Wa. My wife is talking about how cold it's been and here I am at Fort Polk, La and it's supposed to be 80 today. I come home next Friday. Probably gonna freeze and catch the flu with the temp change.
Good times!! Let it snow while I'm home!!!!
by Pradeep
Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:09 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: What Does This Look Like To You?
Replies: 16
Views: 5824

RE:What Does This Look Like To You?

A Turtle sticking his his head out from his shell! Or what gone fishing said. lol
by Pradeep
Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:06 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: bad info from the dept
Replies: 10
Views: 4035

RE:bad info from the dept

See if you can get a copy of your call records that show that you placed a call to the office BEFORE you went fishing and got the ticket. Might not get you 100% out of it, but it would show a good faith attempt on your part and the judge should be easier on you and might even get rid of it completel...
by Pradeep
Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:00 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Judge allows defense in Lake Tapps boating death trial
Replies: 2
Views: 2622

RE:Judge allows defense in Lake Tapps boating death trial

I hope that this guy does not get to avoid a hefty jail sentence cause of this. Nothing fair ever seems to fall in the way of the victims.
by Pradeep
Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:28 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Dog attack!
Replies: 27
Views: 10719

RE:Dog attack!

LOL, Rac you're killin me bro. Between the comments you left in the "pitbull" topic and this one, just can't help but snicker a little.
by Pradeep
Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:49 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Pit Bulls, what do you think?
Replies: 50
Views: 18032

RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Lee -
Perspective. Now there's a thought. Well said and I'm with ya.
by Pradeep
Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:13 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Pit Bulls, what do you think?
Replies: 50
Views: 18032

RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Ugh. You know, saying that you don't like a breed or trust a breed, fine. But to allow ones ignorance to come out and say that they should be eliminated entirely? Really? Sad. I'll leave it at that.
by Pradeep
Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:26 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: My daughter is critically ill
Replies: 116
Views: 30429

RE: My daughter is critically ill

With the heaviest of hearts, my family and I send our condolences to you and your family. We will continue to send thoughts and prayers to you all during such a difficult time.
by Pradeep
Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:55 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: My daughter is critically ill
Replies: 116
Views: 30429

RE: My daughter is critically ill

You, your daughter and rest of your family keep on fighting. As tough as it may be, stay positive. No more talk of "grim" or "turn for the worse". Keep on pushin those positive thoughts and prayers. We are all here doing the same for you guys.
by Pradeep
Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:10 am
Forum: Shellfishing/Squid/Crayfish
Topic: New policy for Puget Sound crab
Replies: 5
Views: 5021

RE:New policy for Puget Sound crab

As nice as that would be also comes the concern of more tribal crabbing and people crabbing all year round could, over time increase the amount of time you have to stay on the water to get your limit because of over harvesting right?
by Pradeep
Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:45 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Pit Bulls, what do you think?
Replies: 50
Views: 18032

RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

Good conversation on both sides of the fence on this subject. However, as a former pit owner, I disagree hands down that pits are naturally a bad breed. Pits and Rotties have the bad rap given to them because of irresponsible owners that destroyed this breeds quality. If you take a breed of dog that...
by Pradeep
Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:06 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Pit Bulls, what do you think?
Replies: 50
Views: 18032

RE:Pit Bulls, what do you think?

I've owned one pit. I picked him up from a guy in Burien when he was 8 weeks old. I did the "test" that I have always done on all my pups and that's take the puppy, roll him over on his back and gently keep your palm on his chest and see how restless he is. If he stays generally calm, it's a good si...