Search found 11 matches

by pickardjw
Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:36 am
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: Kokanee lake wa
Replies: 4
Views: 15469

Re: Kokanee lake wa

Four days on Lake Wa over the last month and a half and two kokes total. Both within the last week. One at 6:30pm on a brad's plug and one at 11:00am on a God's tooth. Both south of I-90 at about 40-50 feet down, set backs 50'-100'. Been marking fish here and there, but even when my gear is going ri...
by pickardjw
Fri Feb 04, 2022 3:13 pm
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: Kokanee lake wa
Replies: 4
Views: 15469

Re: Kokanee lake wa

Hey Mike,

Any tips on where to go on Lake WA this time of year for kokes? Thinking about knocking the dust off the downriggers on Sunday.
by pickardjw
Tue Aug 24, 2021 8:45 am
Forum: River Fishing
Topic: 2021 Pink Salmon
Replies: 3
Views: 10547

Re: 2021 Pink Salmon

Fished it Sunday 8/15 and I don't think there was any way to catch one without hitting it in the nose. Couldn't see my jig 1/2" under the surface. Looks like some people have been having better luck since. Hoping to get out on the Snoho now that it's open.
by pickardjw
Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:34 am
Forum: River Fishing
Topic: 2021 Pink Salmon
Replies: 3
Views: 10547

2021 Pink Salmon

Starting a thread to talk about the 2021 pink salmon run. Anyone hitting the Skagit this weekend for the opener?
by pickardjw
Thu Jul 01, 2021 10:26 am
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: Lake Crescent vs Lake Sutherland
Replies: 6
Views: 13493

Re: Lake Crescent vs Lake Sutherland

Went to Lake Sutherland, only one koke and he came off at the boat! Some gorgeous cutthroat in the lake though.
by pickardjw
Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:44 am
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: Lake Crescent vs Lake Sutherland
Replies: 6
Views: 13493

Re: Lake Crescent vs Lake Sutherland

That's a good idea Mike, hadn't really given a two lake day a thought. While I have your ear, is there anything to catch shore fishing up that way? I'm going to be staying at a place with beach access and figure I could spend some late afternoon/evening time with a rod in the water.
by pickardjw
Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:39 am
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: worm drop shot
Replies: 2
Views: 9725

Re: worm drop shot

If you're going blind it doesn't sound like a bad idea. I don't know how much they like worms but they are a trout. I see meat (herring, pikeminnow, etc) being recommended more often. And they do seem to like it when you stir up the bottom like that. This is coming from a guy that got skunked to onl...
by pickardjw
Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:23 am
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: Lake Crescent vs Lake Sutherland
Replies: 6
Views: 13493

Lake Crescent vs Lake Sutherland

I'm going to be camping out near Port Angeles this weekend and I'm split between fishing Lake Crescent or Lake Sutherland. I've read all the reports for both lakes and it's a tough choice! Lake Sutherland Pros: Good Kokanee population (I've never caught one) Allowed to retain fish Allowed to use bai...
by pickardjw
Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:47 pm
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: Cle Elum Lake Nautical Chart
Replies: 4
Views: 13475

Re: Cle Elum Lake Nautical Chart

I have watched them, great vids! Was hoping to get a sense for bottom structure out there since I don't have a depth finder. Might just shell the money out for one though so I don't spend my time in no man's land.
by pickardjw
Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:26 am
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: Cle Elum Lake Nautical Chart
Replies: 4
Views: 13475

Re: Cle Elum Lake Nautical Chart

The videos are great, they definitely help give me an idea of where to go. Those nautical charts that show structure, contour, etc. are just awesome too! Especially since I don't have a fish finder...
by pickardjw
Wed Apr 28, 2021 8:09 am
Forum: Lake Fishing
Topic: Cle Elum Lake Nautical Chart
Replies: 4
Views: 13475

Cle Elum Lake Nautical Chart

I've been looking for a nautical chart, depth chart, topo map, etc. of Cle Elum Lake and I'm having no luck. I know the water levels fluctuate pretty heavily but it's a pretty deep lake. Surely there's something out there that maps it, right? Planning a mac, burbot and koke trip for a few weekends f...