by Anglinarcher » Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:53 pm
OK, this one is a tough question. It kind of depends on the time of year.
For example, last week I hammered the SMB during the middle of the day, with noon to 4 PM the best, when the water was glass smooth. I got a few between 4 and 6.5 lbs, so that is pretty good. Still, the water was hanging at about 58 degrees, so it was cold.
I have a couple of favorite LMB lakes where I do best on fish, all fish, before the sun gets high, or after it drops low in the sky. For these lakes, I want to be on the water 1/2 to 1 hour before sun rise, or fish 1/2 to 1 hour after sun rise (or better yet, both times :cyclopsan ) Still, during the middle of the summer, I can usually turn up some monsters through the thickest pads, and if pad fishing I want the sun high in the sky.
Now, during the dog days of July and August, I find that hitting LMB or SMB during the middle of the night can be awesome. For me, this is trophy fishing, and that means I can leave drop shots, jigs, etc., behind. I will toss the largest spinner baits, swim baits, and buzz baits I have. I don't catch a lot, but I do catch big.
So, what is the answer, other then the best time to fish is when you can get on the water?:cheers:
I believe that Bass can see better then their prey during times of changing light conditions, and that often means day break or sun set. The rest of the time, they are still ambush hunters, and if you place it in front of them, they may hammer it.
Too much water, so many fish, too little time.