Fishing Reports

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Fishing Reports

Post by The HAWG HUNTER » Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:21 am

This site is to help others learn how to fish. When a report is made,anyone who reads the report likes to know things that many bass guys are keeping to themselves. Like type of lure and color. I just laugh when I read these reports, yea I caught fish,here is the pic but I'm not telling anyone what the fish was caught on or the color. How dose this help others catch fish? I read one report on a guy trying to catch bass with power eggs. People on the site need a little more info to help them catch fish. Thank you for your support with helping others.
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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by Amx » Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:26 am

Sometimes we don't want others to know what we are using. Sometimes it's on our 'secret lure', and sometimes we are pre-fishing for a tourney and don't want to give away any info that could help the oposition. :-"

And sometimes a given lake has too much pressure as it is.

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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by BassDood » Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:31 am

Trent, I know you are always free with your info and baits as well. Thanks by the way. I've always looked at it as I don't know everything, but I'm willing to share whatever I know and what I've learned...even productive spots. I want to pass on to others that just want to catch fish. I've helped quite a few people over the years. To me, it's what it's all about. We've all been beginners and struggled. I understand too about the tourney thing and not wanting added pressure on lakes. Always gonna be pressure and more people fishing. It is, what it is. I don't bash anyone for keeping info to themselves, but I'll always share what I know. ... =slideshow" onclick=";return false;

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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by tnj8222 » Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:42 am

I have very few spots I keep secret and always willing to share, I'm my reports I try to help others catch fish.
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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by The Quadfather » Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:09 am

tnj8222 wrote:I have very few spots I keep secret and always willing to share, I'm my reports I try to help others catch fish.
Tnj, you gotta fish your little place in the woods from a couple years back. At least let us know how it's going. You had some good threads going 1 or 2 summers ago.
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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by Mike Carey » Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:54 pm

I've always had the postition that we appreciate someone putting in the effort to post a report, whether it be a 500 word essay or a two line "what's hot, what's not".

It's up to the poster what they want to share. Granted, those 500 word reports are way cool, but the shorter ones are like a "twitter" so to speak and can give people a heads up on fishing conditions.

Considering we get 30-50,000 unique users visiting the site each month and of that number only several hundred actually post a report, I am always appreciative of a new report, detailed or not. :cheers:

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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by f1sh1nf00l » Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:48 pm

Some people are helpful and share, some dont. Just human nature. I was just having this conversation with some people in my bass club this weekend, because it's the same way within the club. After a club tourney, some people will share what worked for them, and some wont say anything. Seems alot of people think they are in competition with everyone else. Personally, I share because others shared with me. And because I appreciate how awsome it is to have a successful day on the water, as compared to not having any idea what to do.
At our next club meeting I plan on bringing the baits that were successful for me at the last tourney, and throwing them in the monthly raffle pot. If I was fishing tourneys for a living, I might be a little more selective on what I talked about, but I would still want to help people out who were trying to figure out this bass fishing thing. But, once again, to each their own. There will always be different personalities.... especially in bass fishing!!

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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by basspro » Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:05 am

Here is a quick report on the Potholes Open we fished a week ago:

Practice day stuck 3 fish on Black Blue Pig n jigs in on the Winchester side of the dunes in less than 4 feet of water.

Day one of tourney went back to areas where we stuck the fish on jigs with no takers. Decided to run to small sandy flat in the back of Winchester arm and caught 4 fish. 3 came on Jackall Aragon Brown Craw color shallow diver in 4 feet of water and on on the Jig from the previous day. Those 4 went 17.72 lbs-6.32 Largie and 5.86 smallie was biggest of 4.

Day Two - Ran back to back of Lind Coulee arm and stuck 4 fish on same crankbait - Biggest two were 5.78 smallie and a 5.63 largie. Caught two more that totalled about 6 lbs and then went to the road bed in front of dam and caught one about 2 lbs. Total weight for day two was 19.78.

Finished the tournament with 37.50 lbs and 5th place.


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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by Johnb » Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:41 pm

i believe fishing is not just an art but a science, and as a scientist we should share our findings with each other, and help each other prosper. i had people that I've fished with who beg me not to post reports when i do well, even in put & take lakes. i understand if the lake/pond is too small to handle tons of fishing pressure, but to horde information, and hog the lake/pond/river or stream to your self, is selfish and arrogant... I am a laid off construction worker, is all i do is fish (almost everyday), most of the time alone(because i don't know many people here). when i do really well i want to share my experience and maybe even help someone find a new spot to try out. it gives me a sense of purpose to post reports here, i constantly tell people who don't already know, about this site, which is also frowned upon by some, again hording information. i feel people who have to hide their spots, can't compete with other anglers because they are incompetent. Ive lived in this state, on and off, for 2 years and without the info Ive gotten from others, i wouldn't have been anywhere near as successful as i have been(mostly thanks to this sites reports)


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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by Nik » Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:26 pm

If I can play Devil's advocate here, it only takes one or two times where you share your favorite stretch of bank, or a specific rock pile or laydown that you really like, then the next time you pull up to it there's a boat already there and some guy holds up a dead 5 lber tied to a rope, or maybe he's buried in the laydown breaking branches off left and right to save his 50 cent rooster tail that he got snagged. The reason people don't share things isn't because of respectful catch and release fishermen. Its because of the 5% that ruin it for the other 95%. My guess is that if you were to see a report and pm the author and tell him you're planning on hitting said lake and ask a couple questions, like what depth were the fish holding or what area of the lake, etc., most guys are going to be more than willing to help out. If someone wants to know the exact time of day, line, lure presentation, and spot so they can basically take the time and effort someone else put in and go do the exact same thing they did instead of trying to learn something from the information shared, people are going to be a little less inclined to divulge. I wouldn't call that "hoarding information". I would compare it to taking a test, and you stayed up late studying for a week, then the guy next to you wants to copy your answers. If you don't let him to are you hoarding information? On the other hand, if someone in the class asks you to help them understand a certain question or portion of the textbook, wouldn't you be more inclined to help out?

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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by Amx » Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:37 pm

And THAT is what happens on every fishing report on another fishing site. Even the 'local pros' get REAL bent out of shape if you don't include EVERY LITTLE DETAIL on every report. They even DEMAND that information. Then they try to redicual and hassle you for how you use any given piece of equipment or lure instead of trying it that way themselves. And one excellent fisherman takes things out of context, from one thread, puts it in another thread, and DEMANDS an explination of what the OTHER guy does/uses. So I don't waste my time there anymore. This web site is SO much better.

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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by Camron » Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:41 pm

I have no idea how to catch bass but this site is helping me.

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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by Camron » Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:43 pm

Im learning from reports

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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by Mike Carey » Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:53 pm

I agree. I wouldn't expect people to be posting rock locations on rivers or specific brush piles on a lake. It's true we do have our hotspots feature, but even there the intent is to give fellow readers an idea as to the area on a lake or river to fish (i.e. a run on a river).

Bottom line fishing is supposed to be fun and interacting with other anglers on a web site is just an extension of sharing that enjoyment with others and making new friends. There really should be no expectation of amount of detail posted on a report. It's nice to get a good read, but again, sometimes those one line "twitter" reports are fine as well. They can be the motivation when deciding to go to spot 1 or spot 2.

As to your comments Amx, that's why we added the "delete" option on the report comment page, so the person that posted the fishing report can delete comments that people post that are rude or obnoxious. I hope people take full advantage of that feature cause it's the only way rude people get the point sometimes. By and large most guys on this site are great and supportive of the anglers that do post fishing reports.
Last edited by Mike Carey on Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by Bigbass Dez » Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:25 pm

Come on guys , REALLY !! Are there really members here upset that someones fishing report didnt tell the "lazyboy" angler all the details of a fishing spot .lol

Here is my advise , Take a trip to cabelas soon . There you will find Tons of fishing tips in books, videos, DVD's, etc If you look really close you will notice a price tag on these items ..

My point here is too say , why can we be grateful of "ANY" information that anglers provide . Just my thoughts on the subject !! :batman:


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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by G-Man » Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:54 pm

I suppose it boils down to why a person decides to fish. I like the challenge and especially the satisfaction of solving a problem/cracking the code. All I really look for in a report is that fish are present in a particular body of water, anything more is just gravy. If someone reports that the springers are finally in heavy around Longview and have a pic or two to prove it, that is all I really need. Besides, who is to say that the dyed blue herring rigged in a helmet drug behind a KoneZone flasher is going to be what is hot by the time I get there? I'm ADHD when it comes to fishing as I will switch out lures that are catching fish to see if something else will work. Heck I'll even leave an area that is producing to checkout another area, I have serious problems! Just keep the reports coming, detailed or not, they are all good!

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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by kevinb » Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:09 pm

Some reports are helpful and others not so much but I appreciate any info offered.
I'm interested in catching fish and nothing will teach me better than time on the water. You can't beat that in my book.

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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by Amx » Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:56 pm

Ok, I catched a fishie today. Got to the lake at about noon 30.

Didn't wanna fish deep.

Nuttun under dah docks, but didn't fishum much.

52 to 54 water temps.

Gots a 10"er back in dah bushes onna tubie with a rusted pointie thingie, but gotum anywho. 2 feets ah watta.

Doesn't member what color it is, buts it's mine favorite colour. Sorta smokie an glitzie wid sparklie thingies about black n gold n copper type colours init. Weight inside tube.

Hook was old last year, older this year and point is rusty from the tube on it all winter, been thinking I need to change the hook. About a 1 or 2 sized pointy thing with bendy by eye.

10 lb Stren line.

spinning reel on a spinning rod. doesn't remember what brand rod, might be my OLD Lightning Rod, or is that the one with my worm on it? Shamano AX300 reel from the '90s.


Oh ya, the rod is from the '80s. :)
Last edited by Amx on Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by BentRod » Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:01 pm

Amx wrote:Ok, I catched a fishie today. Got to the lake at about noon 30.

Didn't wanna fish deep.

Nuttun under dah docks, but didn't fishum much.

52 to 54 water temps.

Gots a 10"er back in dah bushes onna tubie with a rusted pointie thingie, but gotum anywho. 2 feets ah watta.

Doesn't member what color it is, buts it's mine favorite colour. Sorta smokie an glitzie wid sparklie thingies about black n gold n copper type colours init. Weight inside tube.

Hook was old last year, older this year and point is rusty from the tube on it all winter, been thinking I need to change the hook. About a 1 or 2 sized pointy thing with bendy by eye.

10 lb Stren line.

spinning reel on a spinning rod. doesn't remember what brand rod, might be my OLD Lightning Rod, or is that the one with my worm on it? Shamano AX300 reel from the '90s.


Oh ya, the rod is from the '80s. :)
But what were you wearing, cuz if you weren't wearing shorts and a hoodie, then you were doing it wrong. :batman:

I gotta get me one of them smokie glitzie thingies.
Last edited by BentRod on Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Fishing Reports

Post by Camron » Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:06 pm

Amx wrote:Ok, I catched a fishie today. Got to the lake at about noon 30.

Didn't wanna fish deep.

Nuttun under dah docks, but didn't fishum much.

52 to 54 water temps.

Gots a 10"er back in dah bushes onna tubie with a rusted pointie thingie, but gotum anywho. 2 feets ah watta.

Doesn't member what color it is, buts it's mine favorite colour. Sorta smokie an glitzie wid sparklie thingies about black n gold n copper type colours init. Weight inside tube.

Hook was old last year, older this year and point is rusty from the tube on it all winter, been thinking I need to change the hook. About a 1 or 2 sized pointy thing with bendy by eye.

10 lb Stren line.

spinning reel on a spinning rod. doesn't remember what brand rod, might be my OLD Lightning Rod, or is that the one with my worm on it? Shamano AX300 reel from the '90s.


Oh ya, the rod is from the '80s. :)
Ummm wth? Haha

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