later cold water period - prior to spring. I am not talking about warming surface temperatures.
Cold Water Prior To Spring
The funny thing about the later cold water period is that not many people are fishing for LMB. The bass haven't seen a lure in a while and are easily coaxed into biting when you locate them. Some of these monsters are all-ready shallow. Most people believe LMB are not shallow at this later cold water period.
Wrong- True Trophies, most of the time show first!
Remember LMB are programmed to do only two things and both of them will bring them shallow.
Those 2 influences are the need to Eat and reproduce!.
The later cold water period is a good time to be on the water, a lot of big fish move in and out checking out the flats and docks adjacent to spawning areas. Huge Bass hold on shallow docks even during this later cold water period.
Fish movements are determined by water temp, available forage and the need to reproduce. I fish cranks, jerkbaits and drag football head jig and pork combos around these shallow water areas. I always sneak a peak at the shallow docks, I've caught huge largemouth early in as low as 38 degree water, where big bass are suspending under low docks or floating docks. This is where I shake baits or use an almost dead-sticking approach, key is to cover, and recover, as much water as you can to locate the bass.
By February's end, no matter what the weather conditions are, it is definitively the time to breakout the tackle and rain gear. I have caught some of my biggest bass during this later cold water period prior to pre-spawn.
Looking back through fishing journals from years past, early or late spring, snow on the shoreline or not. Regardless of water temps, surprisingly, lunkers to be had shallow during this later cold water period.
The end of February brings out some of the biggest bass in the lake, don't let the weather fool ya I know different.
See ya on the Trophy page!
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