Just introducing myself - hello, my name is Ben. The past couple weeks I've been tuning in to the site and figured I'd better contribute - rather than assume the role of "lurker".
Anyhow, I'm a complete bass-newbie... I've caught some bass before, but never the "right" way. I've always wanted to get into bass fishing - last year I even spent $200 on bass bait and didn't use it once!!!
![RollEyes [rolleyes]](./images/smilies/msp_rolleyes.gif)

I'm an avid hunter (waterfowl, archery elk, deer, turkey, EVERYTHING) - and I do like to fish just as much. I've just grown tired of catching rainbows... So, I have the "bass fever" right now and I'm committed to learning everything I can for fishing bass vs. lure type vs. month of year vs. lake/structure type vs. whatever...
Anyhow, I have a duck boat (Lowe Roughneck R1760SC) that's setup fine for bass - I've spent millions (it feels like it) on Abu Gear
![ThumbsUp [thumbsup]](./images/smilies/msp_thumbsup.gif)
Looking forward to hearing your bass stories!
Good luck this year fellas!