Went to a local lake for some bank fishing today and to see if the Bass were locked onto any beds,..seen a few Big Mommas roaming but none of the beds I located had any Bucks on lock mode,..so I picked up my Tru-Tungston Blue Gill Swimbait,..took 2 ball bearings out so it would just swim about a foot under the surface and started chucking near the pads and shallow just to see if I can stir something up,...did this for about 45 mins then I seen a Big Girl and launched it in front of her about 15 feet,...two turns and "WHAM",..fish on,..she went 5.3 lbs,...got some footage after the catch and some of the release,..hella pumped,..soon as I edit the footage I'll post on here and at CPR-BOYZ on YouTube!

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