by arniejl » Thu Jun 23, 2016 9:55 am
Duck Lake used to be an awesome lake for huge largemouth. We had the Region 6 warm water biologist attend one of our club meetings last summer and he said a few things about it. I cannot make direct quotes but I can tell you the gist of what he said. He said, Duck Lake used to have huge bass in it. People used to fly in to fish it from other parts of the country. The homeowners asked for a permit to put grass carp into the lake and were granted the permit. They put too many in there, I think he said 400 of them. They cleared the lake of, virtually, all vegetation. He said something like once all the vegetation is gone, the nutrients that have collected on the bottom then start to rise back up. He said that the homeowners now have a big green swimming pool. He said there is not much there anymore other than some stunted yellow perch. He said that there may be a few largemouth around but very few. He said he had talked to people that used to fish it and they almost had tears in their eyes because the lake was ruined.
Take this for what it is worth. I heard him say this stuff but, I also have a friend that has property on the lake and he said the lake, at least out front of his property, is still full of grass.
Homeowners on our local lakes kind of scare me. This happened on Duck Lake and I have a friend who fished Ohop last year and one of the homeowners told him that they put grass carp into that lake, as well. I love it when a person buys a house knowing what his surroundings are and then do all they can do to change it. In fact, it pisses me off! But then again, I fish for bass and hate to see our waters, from a bass fishing stand point, deteriorate.