Largemouth 5lbs minimum
Smallmouth 4lbs minimum
I have already counted the Counties I have met the parameters in and that list totals 11:
Whatcom County
Skagit County
Snohomish County
King County
Lewis County
Grant County
Adams County
Lincoln County
Spokane County
Stevens County
Pend Orielle County
That leaves 28 Counties on the board! I am not even sure some of these Counties have the fisheries to support this Quest? I'm going to enjoy myself more this time, so no time limit. I am still going to subscribe to moving on once the fish is caught, but will have no problem staying in an area for multiple days. It could honestly take more than a year or two to "complete"! Can't even put into words how much I am looking forward to it though! I have missed the road and the adventure tremendously. Not to mention, my personal and professional life the past two years has been a bit removed from enjoyable.
Already announced it on YouTube. Still spitballing the overall gameplan? I will most likely start on the West side this time. I've thought about linking up with other Washington YouTube anglers for parts of it? Not sure how it's all going to play out, but then again, that's half the fun!
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