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Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:12 am
by Ocktane
I know they come with the nice weather... but man am I sick of dealing with a fleet of lake lice everytime I'm out fishing. Anyone have any suggestions of a lake I could access with my bassboat that has a speed limit to keep the wakes down? I go to Wildcat a lot for that very reason but I'm lookin for new territory. I don't care if I can't go nuts with my big motor, just lookin to fish. Thanks!
RE:Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:26 am
by flinginpooh
Geneva is a no gas motor lake I know there is more, but that is only one I can think of with a launch.
RE:Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:47 am
by BassDood
Benson, Panther at times. If you don't mind a drive, Duck Lake in Ocean Shores can be good
RE:Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:44 am
by jbball50
Bay Lake, Crescent Lake down by Gig Harbor/Purdy area. I think Crescent has a speed limit on it but I've seen some people going around there with their sea-doos on the lake even though it's a small lake once when I fished there, never had any problems though. Bay Lake might be tough to fish right now with all the algae bloom it gets in the summer but it has some big bass in there. Oh and you might be able to get your boat in at Island Lake in Kitsap County, not too sure though.
RE:Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:12 am
by The Quadfather
I second "Duck lake" has speed controls,and nice fish. You are kind of over there on the peninsula. A lof of us prob. don't know your local lakes that well. I feel your pain though on the knuckleheads on the water. It's a " I only Matter " mentality.
RE:Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:07 am
by basser90
You may want to try Lake Terrell. It can be a lot of fun
RE:Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:52 am
by ChrisB
Not to hijack, always wanted to know what your boat does, 74 gps ?
RE:Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:11 pm
by edge540
Make up a bunch of flyers that say "Lake closed to swimming" and put them on everybody's windshields. It also helps if you mention an infectious disease or bacteria in the water

RE:Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:38 pm
by clarkhess122
haha or "recent hazardous weed treatment" cuz that keeps other fishermen away too

RE:Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:48 pm
by Ocktane
Haha, I like the fliers idea! I'll have to look into some of those lakes. Appreciate the responses everyone! I understand that everyone has a right to the lake but man some people act like they have a bigger right than others (I know everyone shares this pain). I really do thing installing torpedoes might be a good idear!:-" Thanks again everyone. BTW to answer the question about the boat speed(ChrisB); my topspeed is 82 GPS, previous owner saw 84. "Allison boats; Get one or follow one!" Tight lines all!
RE:Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:29 am
by ChrisB
Very nice Ocktane. I guess I was off by a little bit haha.
RE:Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:51 am
by R0cky23
I try to fish early morning and be off by noon that way I avoid most of them
RE:Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:11 pm
by f1sh1nf00l
Lk St. Clair, Rapjohn, Clear Lk(the one out past Yelm), Swafford Pond, Silver lake. However, this nice weather will soon be gone, and with it, the lakes will get nice and quiet again.
RE:Sick of pleasure boaters
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:22 am
There are only a few Lks around the kitsap area to fish with out any wakes.