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Winter Bass Wins?
Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:22 am
by SammamishYak
Wanted to see if anybody has pictures of any decent cold water bass so far this winter, or could speak to their attempts. I haven't gotten out there, so I wanted to live vicariously through any of you who have decided to brave the season.

Re: Winter Bass Wins?
Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:05 am
by Mike Carey
Brrrrrrrrr. Did a video a few years back with Big Bass Dez on lake washington, winter bass, so cold that day!" onclick=";return false;
Re: Winter Bass Wins?
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:27 pm
by fishnislife
I have been out 4 times this year and stuck nothing but a 15" trout. I have taken the time on the water to stare at the bottom and find big bass locations. I have discovered three in different areas of the lake and hope my diligence will pay off soon. I am going big all year so this winter has been no different. I have had a solid hit twice in less than ten feet on one slow retrieve but couldn't drive it home. I couldn't tell if I was getting short bit or if it was going for a stunning blow without biting. Got my blood going though.
I will tell you every key spot I have found this year that is showing a big mama hunkered down between 8-12ft of water is right next to cover and on the deep side of any remaining vegetation. And every time I have found these 3 fish they have all been there each outing, in the same location. And trust me, I have pulled off the spot for hours and long casted swimbaits, jigs, senkos....deadsticked jigs and slow rolled swimbaits, trying different angles and what I believe is how they would ambush. Nothing!
It's all good. I would have gone again today if I didn't need to get the garage buttoned up and organized just so I can continue with my boat mod.
Hope others are getting out and having better luck than I. Sure would like to talk details with anyone who knows the winter game and conditions to look for.
Re: Winter Bass Wins?
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:14 am
by fishingmachine
Its been good on Washington and Sammamish for smallmouth this winter.
Re: Winter Bass Wins?
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:51 am
by bcalvert
I have been fishing Lake Samish for winter smallies. It has been hit and miss for me. Depends on the day.