Bass Replica/ taxidermist/ NEED HELP!!!
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:55 pm
Hey guys,
I'm adamant about catching and releasing the big ones, and making sure they are well handled before releasing them -- especially during the spawn.
That said, I've got a delima and would really like some feedback! As you may have seen, I caught my personal best last week, and am very excited about getting it replicated and put on my wall. One problem I am running into with a few of the taxidermists is that they use pre made blanks, and then paint the fish based on pictures. I know they try to match up a mold as well as possible, but perhaps I've got some really weird measurements because finding someone with a mold that fits my fish is proving to be hard.
I have a fairly expensive digital scale. I test it every year with weights from my weight bench and it is always spot on. I measured this fish twice, and it locked in at 7.41 both times. I also got a very crude measurement with a tape measure right before letting her go back to her spawning grounds.
I'm certain it is 7.41 pounds. Almost positive it is right at 22 inches. I didn't have a chance to get the girth, but based on the formula: WEIGHT = LENGTH x GIRTH2 / SHAPE FACTOR, I am calculating the girth at around 18.75 inches. That's what it figured out to using the equation. And it was FAT. She was a spawner and looked like she was ready to burst, one of the fattest ones I've ever caught.
One place I contacted wanted to sell me a 400 dollar replica with the specifications of: 25 inches, 20 inch girth, based on an 8 ish pound fish. I told them, "This is not the fish I caught. This is a fish still swimming around that bares a completely different appearance than the one I caught. Why would I pay 400 dollars for a replica of something that is so far off from the fish I caught?"
My questions to all my fellow anglers is:
1) Any advice on any taxidermists that will create a true replica, based on my exact measurements? Not just one that wants to use a blank mold that does not resemble my fish at all.
2) Has anyone ever run into this situation, and what did you do?
3) I'm extremely anal about weights and measurements, and picture taking. I DON'T tell fish stories. I hate those who do. So I am meticulous about when I tell someone about a fish, that it is accurate information. That said, to all of you professional bass fisherman, do my actual measurements sound accurate for a very fat spawning female.
Any and all information would be greatly appreciated. I have contacted so many different taxidermists and have yet to find one I trust to do the job. For me, dropping 400 dollars is a big expenditure, that I want to do, but for my family, it is a large chunk of money.
Thanks to anyone who can help ahead of time!
I'm adamant about catching and releasing the big ones, and making sure they are well handled before releasing them -- especially during the spawn.
That said, I've got a delima and would really like some feedback! As you may have seen, I caught my personal best last week, and am very excited about getting it replicated and put on my wall. One problem I am running into with a few of the taxidermists is that they use pre made blanks, and then paint the fish based on pictures. I know they try to match up a mold as well as possible, but perhaps I've got some really weird measurements because finding someone with a mold that fits my fish is proving to be hard.
I have a fairly expensive digital scale. I test it every year with weights from my weight bench and it is always spot on. I measured this fish twice, and it locked in at 7.41 both times. I also got a very crude measurement with a tape measure right before letting her go back to her spawning grounds.
I'm certain it is 7.41 pounds. Almost positive it is right at 22 inches. I didn't have a chance to get the girth, but based on the formula: WEIGHT = LENGTH x GIRTH2 / SHAPE FACTOR, I am calculating the girth at around 18.75 inches. That's what it figured out to using the equation. And it was FAT. She was a spawner and looked like she was ready to burst, one of the fattest ones I've ever caught.
One place I contacted wanted to sell me a 400 dollar replica with the specifications of: 25 inches, 20 inch girth, based on an 8 ish pound fish. I told them, "This is not the fish I caught. This is a fish still swimming around that bares a completely different appearance than the one I caught. Why would I pay 400 dollars for a replica of something that is so far off from the fish I caught?"
My questions to all my fellow anglers is:
1) Any advice on any taxidermists that will create a true replica, based on my exact measurements? Not just one that wants to use a blank mold that does not resemble my fish at all.
2) Has anyone ever run into this situation, and what did you do?
3) I'm extremely anal about weights and measurements, and picture taking. I DON'T tell fish stories. I hate those who do. So I am meticulous about when I tell someone about a fish, that it is accurate information. That said, to all of you professional bass fisherman, do my actual measurements sound accurate for a very fat spawning female.
Any and all information would be greatly appreciated. I have contacted so many different taxidermists and have yet to find one I trust to do the job. For me, dropping 400 dollars is a big expenditure, that I want to do, but for my family, it is a large chunk of money.
Thanks to anyone who can help ahead of time!