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First bass fishing setup
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 3:53 pm
by NineFingerFury
I may or may not have spent $300 at Bass Pro Shops today. My wife may or may not be slightly irritated with me.
Asked around for some help with buying some bass fishing tackle as I've only ever fished for trout or hope-and-prayed from saltwater docks and piers. I don't have a boat yet, but its on my list.
I'll be camping at Potholes State Park with 5 of my best friends June 2-4, and I live smack-dab in the middle of Lake Meridian, Lake Sawyer and Lake Wilderness, so I'm hoping to get my first bass very soon!
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 4:01 pm
by Amx
You live in about the best area, go to Limit Out to get some tackle and the best advice on how to use that tackle and where to use it. Lots of bass in Sawyer and Meridian. I don't know how good the bass fishing is in Wilderness, use to be good many years ago. Then they poisoned the lake, but I've heard the Bass are still there.
Plastic worms rigged Texas style, crankbaits, shallow, mid depth, and deep. Top water minnows, buzzbaits, and such. Skirted Jigs of course, 3/8 and 1/2 oz. And spinnerbaits and lipless rattle traps." onclick=";return false;
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 4:05 pm
by Amx
And you can rent a row boat at the resort on Lake Sawyer. I use to until I got my first boat a couple centuries ago.
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 4:06 pm
by NineFingerFury
Thanks guys!
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 5:05 pm
by Amx
Whoops, thought about it but forgot to post it lol;
Go to the Youtube web site and watch the Youtube videos that cover different Bass fishing techneques and lures, such as Texas rigging worms, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, tubes, types of top water lures and buzzbaits, jigging for Bass, dropshot, carolina rigs dock fishing for Bass, skipping Bass lures under docks, how to fish rock piles, how to fish weeds, how to flip. Where to fish for Large mouth Bass, and where to fish for Small mouth Bass. Search Youtube using those titles/words.
put the words in the box where the word 'search' is;" onclick=";return false;
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 5:22 pm
by BentRod
Float tube, kayak, pontoon, or small boat will really increase your success.
My neighbor has an ~8" row boat for sale for $250 if you're interested.
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 5:35 pm
by NineFingerFury
I'd love to buy a small boat, but my wife is still accepting that I spent $300. She says I need to take her to Chelan now haha. Probably in the market for a boat in about 2 months.
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 5:36 pm
by NineFingerFury
Amx, I've been watching YouTube videos for over a month on bass fishing. I'm anxious to try it out this next week.
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 7:03 am
by dwh4784
I have two of the same rod/reel combo. I like to have one spooled with heavy braid for fishing in the slop, and one with 12lb flouro for everything else. Looks like you got the basics covered there, as long as there are some hooks for your plastic worms in that yellow thing. Have fun fishing!
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 9:53 am
by Amx
The yellow thing is a measuring tape.
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 10:01 am
by dwh4784
Oops, should have zoomed in I guess. Well lets just hope the hooks are off camera, I see the o-rings for wacky rigging so they must be there somewhere.
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 10:33 am
by NineFingerFury
Yeah, I've got a few hooks.
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:16 pm
by meandermeadows
I have yet to go bass fishing for the first time myself, as I have also been loading up on gear. So I can't help you with that part of it.
I can, however, help you with the part about your wife being bent out of shape for spending money. Here's what you do...
Go buy yourself a big, fast, powerful motorcycle. Promise to be safe and never get in an accident. Then take it out on a ride with the guys, lose control of it on a corner and go over the top at 40 mph, and land with a broken shoulder and staring off the edge of a cliff. Then have the ambulance driver call and tell her he has her husband and they are rushing him to the hospital. After that, you will have her permission to spend as much money as you want on fishing, hiking, backpacking, and anything else that is considered "safe" in comparison to riding a Yamaha FJ1200 for fun ;)
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:42 am
by YellowBear
I see a bait cast reel in this photo. Take that out in the back yard and practice, practice, practice. Welcome to the world of Bass fishing, a motorcycle would be cheaper, lol. Good luck.
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:57 am
by meandermeadows
Not sure how to qualify this. My bike and gear was about $5000 when you tallied it all up. The wreck cost me another $4000 that the insurance didn't cover. Luckily short term disability kicked in at work and I received full paychecks for the entire 3 months I was out, as well as the 3 months I was on light duty. My right shoulder now doubles as a built-in weather vane.
That being said, l am probably into fishing a couple grand thus far, l haven't even bought a boat yet (unless you count my float tube or the inflatable raft l picked up to row my wifey around in), and my Ebay problem is showing no signs of slowing down. Bonus is that if you wreck a fishing pole you're only out a hundred bucks, not ten grand ;)
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:14 pm
by YellowBear
You can drop $60,000 in a boat real easy, lol.
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:30 pm
by meandermeadows
Oh thanks. Guess what l won't be able to get out of my mind for the rest of my life? ;)
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:36 pm
by Amx
It would be best to get a small used bass boat, for about $5,000, yes they are out there. Limit Out Marine might have one, or Russ might know where there is one or two. Then you can learn to drive a 'fast' boat, then in a couple/few years you can get a newer boat that goes faster. That way you can learn to actually drive a fast boat before spending $50,000 plus on a FAST boat, without crashing it.
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 8:25 pm
by meandermeadows
At this point I have my sights on a 10' jon boat that I can lean up against the fence in my little patio area and then throw in the back of my little truck. I live in the city and have a townhouse so there is no place for a boat with a trailer or anything like that. I really enjoy float tube fishing though, so for now it's all good. One day though...
Re: First bass fishing setup
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 9:02 pm
by BassDood
I've been fishing from a float tube for about 20 years now...only way I want to fish. I can afford a boat, but I just don't want to deal with one. Lots of opportunities out there for catching bass from the tube. Limits me at times but I catch fish and it just works for me. Good luck out there!