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New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:11 pm
by Amx
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091" onclick=";return false;
August 12, 2016
Contact: Bruce Bolding, 360-902-8417
Bass caught in Snohomish County shatters 39-year-old state record
OLYMPIA – A Snohomish County angler has set a new state record for the biggest largemouth bass caught in state waters, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) confirmed today.
Bill Evans of Bothell caught the monster bass Aug. 8 in Lake Bosworth in Snohomish County while fishing with a Strike King 5-inch Shim-E-Stick, wacky-rigged on a 1/0 hook. It weighed 12.53 pounds and measured 23.0 inches long with a girth of 22.5 inches.
The previous record was set by Carl Pruitt in 1977 at Banks Lake with a fish weighing 11.57 pounds, nearly one pound less.
“As soon as I set the hook, I knew it had to be a big one because the bottom pulled hard and it just wouldn’t quit,” Evans said, “When she finally tried to jump, she could only get her head out of the water.”
Evans realized how big the fish really was when he started lifting it into the boat. “She just kept getting heavier and heavier,” he said, “I put her in the livewell, but she didn’t even fit – her tail stuck out”.
Evans is a seasoned bass angler with nearly 40 years of experience. He moved to Washington a few years ago, and just started bass fishing in the state this summer. Evans has fished several lakes in the Bothell area, but Monday was his first time fishing at Lake Bosworth.
He found the small lake on WDFW’s Fish Washington feature available on the department’s website (" onclick=";return false;). The map-based webpage provides access to fishing advice and videos, as well as information by county and fish species location for lowland lakes, high lakes and marine areas.
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:26 pm
by fisherman92
I read about this today on Strike-Kings facebook page (even though i dont have a facebook). Man thats crazy! what a monster! Guess ill have to wacky rig all of my senkos!
Ill be out this weekend looking for a 12.54 lber!
![ThumbsUp [thumbsup]](./images/smilies/msp_thumbsup.gif)
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:42 pm
by Amx
Problem is it'll have to be 2 oz heavier or they won't count it as a new record fishie. So I've heard.
![BigGrin [biggrin]](./images/smilies/msp_biggrin.gif)
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:47 pm
by 8theB8
fisherman92 wrote:I read about this today on Strike-Kings facebook page (even though i dont have a facebook). Man thats crazy! what a monster! Guess ill have to wacky rig all of my senkos!
Ill be out this weekend looking for a 12.54 lber!
![ThumbsUp [thumbsup]](./images/smilies/msp_thumbsup.gif)
That's the spirit!!
This stings just a tad as I was going to fish Bos on Tuesday but changed my mind. May not have caught it but it sure would have been cool to see that thing in person!!
This is the 3rd State record largemouth I've seen or heard of in the past 10 years, just the first guy to keep and claim. So happy it wasn't someone trout fishing and catching it by accident, actually having it caught by someone that has put their time in is awesome!
There's more out there boys and girls....keep at it......Looks like I'm gunning for a 13.00!!
![BigGrin [biggrin]](./images/smilies/msp_biggrin.gif)
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:54 pm
by Amx
I'm looking for a 15.

Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 2:02 pm
by 8theB8
Amx wrote:.....
I'm looking for a 15.

Have fun in Florida!
![Flapper [flapper]](./images/smilies/msp_flapper.gif)
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 2:14 pm
by Amx
8theB8 wrote:Amx wrote:.....
I'm looking for a 15.

Have fun in Florida!
![Flapper [flapper]](./images/smilies/msp_flapper.gif)
Ha, I know of a 15 in this state. Well, so I was told 25 years ago, probably a 25 by now.
![Scared [scared]](./images/smilies/msp_scared.gif)
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:40 pm
by 8theB8
It's dead by now.
I know WDFW zapped and weighed a 13.5 on Lake KI about 15 years ago.
I saw one in a picture and on a scale by someone I trust that went 12.57 about 5 years ago on a lake in Snohomish County he asked me not to name. It was released.
I know of an 11.5 from just a couple years ago on Lake Samish, again from a reputable person. Again, released.
They are out there for sure, to be honest I am surprised it took this long for that record to fall. If my buddy had kept the 12.5 and had it confirmed the record would have been his and this fish would have been a tie or close second but I think it is correct it has to go 2 full ounces bigger to take an existing record?! EXCELLENT catch and I am very happy for this guy!!! Just more motivation is all, a little more fuel for the ol gas tank! I have wanted to break double digits so bad on the West side for so long that I would be unbelievably pleased with anything 10 or over!
I hope he does a good mount and this thing is on display at the next Sportsman Show!
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:48 pm
by Amx
8theB8 wrote:It's dead by now.
![Crying [crying]](./images/smilies/msp_crying.gif)
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:01 pm
by Amx
with picture; ... uling-bass" onclick=";return false;
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:47 am
by bob johansen
It just proves that probably many of the small lakes can host very large bass. Bill just caught the one I was looking for for about 40 years. My congrats to Bill!
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:53 am
by bob johansen
Amx wrote:8theB8 wrote:It's dead by now.
![Crying [crying]](./images/smilies/msp_crying.gif)
I know, Ate The Bait, it is sad to see a big beauty like that killed. However, I bet Bill Evens has released hundreds of big bass in his lifetime -- And, that big bass was probably near the end of her life span -- And, I also bet that many of us bass releasers would have at least considered keeping a State Record.
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:03 am
by Amx
bob johansen wrote:Amx wrote:8theB8 wrote:It's dead by now.
![Crying [crying]](./images/smilies/msp_crying.gif)
I know, Ate The Bait, it is sad to see a big beauty like that killed. However, I bet Bill Evens has released hundreds of big bass in his lifetime -- And, that big bass was probably near the end of her life span -- And, I also bet that many of us bass releasers would have at least considered keeping a State Record.
I know I have thought about, IF I were lucky enough to catch a state record. I have also talked to a state biologist about the thought that there HAS to be a way, and exception to the rule, to transport a live fish to a certified scale, then back to the lake and released. He thought about it too, but nobody has a good idea. I think maybe if the fish in a live well of the boat was escorted to the scale, back to the lake and released, it would be ok. Escorted by a Wildlife biologist, officer, or a policeman it would work out.
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:42 am
by bob johansen
I know a guy (no mention of a name) that has transported 2 or 3 live bass to a grocery store and had them weighted on a certified scale and returned them to the lake. He would go inside the store and tell the clerk he had a live fish he wanted to weigh - explain it had to be done quickly - the clerk would put paper on the scale and it was completed in seconds with little or no harm to the fish.
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:49 am
by Amx
Yup, my thoughts too. It can be done.
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:59 pm
by 8theB8
Whoa whoa, slow down comment "it's dead by now" was directed to AMX about the 15lber he knew of years ago, NOT about this record fish!
My thoughts are this; I LOVE bass, I cannot express how much I love these dang fish! That being said they are food to some people, oh well, as long as people follow the rules on the books then it is what it is. I 100% understand that these fish are not native and are not planted and are not managed worth a crap by WDFW, I understand all that perfectly. I have a bigger problem with the guys that let them flop around their boats while they ham it up for the camera or high 5 their buddies, or tote them around in their livewells for no reason whatsoever (tournaments excluded), these fish are living creatures and need to be respected as such. I refuse to use a net for the sake of giving the fish every opportunity to put up a great fight, even if that means I lose it at the side of the boat...and I have lost some dandies there, good for the fish for not quitting. I respect that!
Now, alllllll that being said, if I was in this guys shoes AMEN would that fish be wall bound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heck, it probably would have spent night one on a pillow next to mine lol. I too have put in thousands of hours over 34 years and have nothing but respect for the gentleman that broke the record, CONGRATS!! That fish and any fish close to that size in this State and especially on the West side is OLLLLLD!! It has had decades to pass along the genes. B8
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:06 am
by Amx
Yup, it was directed to me about that 15 pounder, understood and no problem. Old age and all that, (the fish's, not mine
![Scared [scared]](./images/smilies/msp_scared.gif)
). Also you know the rule, "If you didn't see it, it didn't exist"
![Laugh [laugh]](./images/smilies/msp_laugh.gif)
But we do have to take some things with a grain of salt. So, if there was a proven 11 1/2 pounder that was the state record for 40 years, then broken with a 12 1/2 pounder, is it really that far fetched to believe that there is a 15 pounder in the lake that I was told there was back in the early/mid '90? Well, we'll never know unless someone catches one, or the WDFW shocks one up. I do know they have shocked up more than one state record Largie over the years, but I forget what size they were, something like a 13 pounder I'm thinking. Just waiting to catch one. lol I keep trying. I guess I need to try harder.
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:00 am
by bob johansen
Yes, That fish was probably quite old. I once had a big bass die on me. I was bank fishing with a black spinnerbait and caught an 8-4. I admit I did take time for a photo but got her back in the water as soon as possible. I held her upright - moved her back and forth but she just wouldn't come back - she just gave a big gasp and died. I had her weighed on a certified scale and sent sent scale samples to the fish biologist in that area. He said she was 15 + years old at the time of capture and said she was the biggest bass he had heard of in that area. I wanted to release her but she died and I gave her to a taxidermist friend to use as a display fish. Do I want to share the lake name - Sure, Chamberlain. It is connected to the Columbia River via Culvert. Good luck. Some information in the Articles section - My Article in the lakes section on page 9.
Re: New state record Large Mouth Bass
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:47 pm
by 8theB8
bob johansen wrote:Yes, That fish was probably quite old. I once had a big bass die on me. I was bank fishing with a black spinnerbait and caught an 8-4. I admit I did take time for a photo but got her back in the water as soon as possible. I held her upright - moved her back and forth but she just wouldn't come back - she just gave a big gasp and died. I had her weighed on a certified scale and sent sent scale samples to the fish biologist in that area. He said she was 15 + years old at the time of capture and said she was the biggest bass he had heard of in that area. I wanted to release her but she died and I gave her to a taxidermist friend to use as a display fish. Do I want to share the lake name - Sure, Chamberlain. It is connected to the Columbia River via Culvert. Good luck. Some information in the Articles section - My Article in the lakes section on page 9.
It happens Bob, I'm sure the vast majority of bass anglers try to avoid the bleed out scenario but unfortunately it happens. Your idea was pretty good, nice to know a taxi that well! I had a 4lber die on me on Clear Lake one year, I ate it and put what was left and the guts in our compost pile. I'm sure some bass die from stress after tournaments or after spending a day in a livewell due to ego and not properly cared for, oh well, crawdads gotta eat too.