by jonb » Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:54 am
Id try the upper snohomish with the fly, a nymph or streamer under an indicator would be best fished near logs imo. I prefer the swing but youll loose lots of leader and flies that way in the shallow fast snaggy stuff. Fish the shallow loggy rifle water early in the am. White shrimp nymphs or Black and purple bunny leeches or egg sucking bunny leeches should produce bites. As the sun gets above the tree line id move to deeper, slower water with a 9 grain sink tip and swing streamers, again egg sucking bunny leeches being my go to. Try to situate yourself to where the very end of your swing is near some structure, whether it be a log or big rock or whatever. They are really holding tight in that snaggy stuff, but are much more bitey than the coho ive been finding in open water. Its worth loosing a couple flies if it means bagging a coho or 10. Good luck.
hi my name is john, and I'm a fishing addict.