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Trout jumping like crazy, but seemingly not for food?
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:03 pm
by FishSpotter
I have been to lakes where many fish are surfacing just before sunset, and I have seen trout jumping clear out of the water during the day, but recently I have seen large numbers of trout jumping like crazy and it seems like they aren't jumping for food...
I'm not talking about a fish now and then, but more like 5 trout jumping out of the water right about the same time, spread out around only 1-2 acres of the lake. I seriously counted 6 trout within 2 seconds, another 7 trout within 4 seconds...and this goes on for quite some time. They jump fairly often a few hours before sunset, then like crazy for 20 minutes or so before sunset.
Maybe they are feeding, but if so...I don't know what on. I can catch them earlier in the day, but not during this time.
Odd...and interesting.
Re: Trout jumping like crazy, but seemingly not for food?
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:10 am
by Amx
Lately there has been herds/flocks of lots of little bitty insects flying over the water. Maybe the trout have been after those. And Mayfly looking things.
Re: Trout jumping like crazy, but seemingly not for food?
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 9:31 am
by Viper97
They look like black gnats to me around my neck of the woods. I can hear fish snapping all over the lake feeding on these things. Even seen a few trout rise to the occasion. (Mostly bluegills though.)
Re: Trout jumping like crazy, but seemingly not for food?
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:40 am
by Bodofish
Viper97 wrote:They look like black gnats to me around my neck of the woods. I can hear fish snapping all over the lake feeding on these things. Even seen a few trout rise to the occasion. (Mostly bluegills though.)
Yep, match the hatch. The other reason trout or any fish jump is because something under them is trying to eat them.
Re: Trout jumping like crazy, but seemingly not for food?
Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:03 pm
by pisc8or2
Look closely this time of year, they might be chasing a small ginger caddis about size 14-16 dry fly. The fly "hatches" by bursting through the surface and is hard to see on the surface. Usually late afternoon into early evening. Good luck
Re: Trout jumping like crazy, but seemingly not for food?
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:21 am
by fishinChristian
I've seen mosquitoes and other tiny bugs flying low to the water, morning and evening, and the trout go cirque du soleil on the surface. They are fun to catch at that time, either on a subsurface streamer fished quickly (remember, they are looking up) or a Rapala style subsurface lure. I wait for that time and sometimes catch 10-20 fish back to back, with not a strike on either side of that time.
Re: Trout jumping like crazy, but seemingly not for food?
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:35 am
by jwswans
False Jumps ? Dear members, many fisherman leave many traps in flies and baits in rivers broken off ,these day that damage both fish & fishermen ,women waders clothing etc as well. I have noted that at natural feeding times in evening some fish thrashing from false hook ups (no angler on other end) by rivers, leaping several times > I have used a with a good camera to see dangled Hooks, Flies ,baits, in there jaws badly . please use heavy enough lines and systems that either bend the hooks enough to retrieve or use floats to River flows above bottom snags ? I was startled by a 20 lb king in klick that jumped all over the place because he picked up a baited lure and was very airiel backwards and forward for about 30 sec.i also saw others as well. Dumping all our baits on the bottom can cause serious probs? PS I have some nice new lures !

Re: Trout jumping like crazy, but seemingly not for food?
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:26 am
by Anglinarcher
Hmmmmm, first post, poor grammar, overstating the truth to the max.
Do I smell a troll on the site??????
"I have used a with a good camera to see dangled Hooks, Flies ,baits, in there jaws badly". POST THEM, let us judge the truth in what you say?
Re: Trout jumping like crazy, but seemingly not for food?
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:40 pm
by fishinChristian
Wasn't going to comment, but yeah...
So, anglinarcher: Bow-fisherman?
Re: Trout jumping like crazy, but seemingly not for food?
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:59 pm
by Anglinarcher
Verry little. Many years ago my youngest came up with it as a combo of my competition archery and bow hunting plus my addiction to all fishing.
Bow hunting still happens, competition done, fishing 3 day after I am dead.
Re: Trout jumping like crazy, but seemingly not for food?
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:02 pm
by fishkisser101
Why do fish jump?
Because they don't have middle fingers...
Re: Trout jumping like crazy, but seemingly not for food?
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:08 am
by fishinChristian
Nice. It seems so, sir!