If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

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If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by flinginpooh » Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:31 pm

I have tmobile and I fish the Cow alot. There is no reception there at all. Ive called and told them this and they say that they will look into it. Im sure just me calling them will not fix this problem. Other carriers have service there. So what Im hoping can come from this is pretty simple. If you have tmobile just give them a call and let them know that there is no service there, the address is 1182 Spencer Rd Salkum, WA 98582 Even if you dont fish the Cow if you could just call and tell them you go there often and would like service there it would help out the members that do fish there with tmobile service. Ty very much.
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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by Toni » Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:54 pm

I have called and told them that I haven't got good service in my house. If I go outside I have good service. I told them about a year ago. I have mentioned it twice in that year.It hasn't got any better so I am going to another carrier that gets reception nearly every where I go. Yes it is more expensive but if you can't use your phone on the cheaper carriers what good is it?
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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by Matt » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:25 pm

Why not switch carriers? T-mobile is pretty much the worst there is!!!

Besides that I make it a point to leave my cell in the truck whilst fishing! Don't need women and bill collectors fogging up my free time :bigsmurf:
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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by flinginpooh » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:26 pm

I get good service about damn near everywhere. Just not the cow. When I get off exit 68 i pass ampm and poof no signal. There is a lil patch of road between the barrier and the little bait shop by the barrier that I get service but that is it. And Im usually fishing blue creek area. NO service there at all.
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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by flinginpooh » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:33 pm

Matt wrote:Why not switch carriers? T-mobile is pretty much the worst there is!!!

Besides that I make it a point to leave my cell in the truck whilst fishing! Don't need women and bill collectors fogging up my free time :bigsmurf:
Ive actually had good service with Tmobile for the most part. And with unlimited everything on a family bundle with 2 android phones I pay like 129 bucks. Call Internet and text all unlimited. Closest price to that is Att for like 189 I believe. I wont be working for another 2 years till my schooling is up. Or sooner if I get a 50K a year job offer. Thats taking a pay cut even. If Im gonna take a major paycut Id rather take the unemployment, food stamps, and free school to re educate myself and put me into another Job starting closer to 60k again. I had invested all of my adult life in cable only to be **** on. Oh sorry for my rant I forgot where I was going lol. I need to save money is what I was saying.
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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by Marc Martyn » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:36 pm

Toni wrote:I have called and told them that I haven't got good service in my house. If I go outside I have good service. I told them about a year ago. I have mentioned it twice in that year.It hasn't got any better so I am going to another carrier that gets reception nearly every where I go. Yes it is more expensive but if you can't use your phone on the cheaper carriers what good is it?
Toni, you and I are in the same boat. I'm in between two towers at my house. I have called them several times and they say they will look into it. Well, it's been 6 years and no better. When my contract is up, I'm going with Verizon. It's more money for less minutes, but getting 1, sometimes 2 bars in my living room, living in town, is ridiculous.

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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by kevinb » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:49 pm

This works,it may be a small drop in a very large bucket but I made a phone call to Verizon
a few years ago in regards to very poor reception at our fairly remote lake property in Mason county.
It was bad...real bad,if we needed to make or receive calls,we would have to drive several miles
down the road. In most cases,I didn't care but should an emergency show its self,we could be in real trouble.
Granted,I'm sure my phone call to Verizon was probably viewed as a minor inconvnience but the reception
has improved greatly and I suspect that others may have informed Verizon as well. Eitherway,I figure
call them up and let them know,it certainly doesn't hurt.

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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by racfish » Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:41 am

I have t-mobile through work. I have no reception in the Seward park area.None on Lk Wa. No service in the mountain areas at all.I just cant do AT&T I hate them . Id rather have no phone then switch to AT&T.Im with Flippin. No phone on while fishing.
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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by Rich McVey » Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:59 am

We have T-Mobile and we DO NOT get reception at Mayfield Lake.

We bought a prepaid phone from another carrier for situations like this.

We are leaving T-Mobile as soon as our contract run out.

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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by G-Man » Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:26 am

I have Verizon and get service just about everywhere, including out of the way places in Eastern Washington lakes to 15 miles out of Westport. There customer service is horrible but their coverage can't be beat.

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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by Dex » Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:28 am

Since moving to the NW a little more than two years ago I have had every phone company there is and IMO you can't AT&T for their coverage. I see others will disagree but being able to compare each though my work has been a big help when I had to pick out my own.

I'd put Verizon a very close second

Just my 2 cents....
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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by Kfedka » Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:14 am

Marc Martyn wrote:
Toni wrote:I have called and told them that I haven't got good service in my house. If I go outside I have good service. I told them about a year ago. I have mentioned it twice in that year.It hasn't got any better so I am going to another carrier that gets reception nearly every where I go. Yes it is more expensive but if you can't use your phone on the cheaper carriers what good is it?
Toni, you and I are in the same boat. I'm in between two towers at my house. I have called them several times and they say they will look into it. Well, it's been 6 years and no better. When my contract is up, I'm going with Verizon. It's more money for less minutes, but getting 1, sometimes 2 bars in my living room, living in town, is ridiculous.
Same story here. Started out with Tmobile and no to little signal in house, would need to go outside to get a good signal. Friend came over that had Verizon and there was a phone signal that was full. Soon as my contract ended, went to Verizon and have not looked back.

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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by flinginpooh » Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:48 am

Pretty much reason I did this is to get other tmobile users to call about the same area. Then they will possibly do a roaming aggrement with att for the area. More people then just myself call about it the better chance that something will be done about it.
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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by Maurice » Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:53 pm

Tmobile user here to, no reception in most of hood canal either.....

I lose reception on my way to the cow once I go past Alder Lake, no reception in morton either.
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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by Dustin07 » Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:04 pm

I have sprint.

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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by salmonslayer117 » Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:26 pm

Hey bro. Just switched from tmobile to verizon a while back. Much better range. I even got reception in the hole down at blue. My tmobile shut down as soon as I got off the freeway.
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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by Marc Martyn » Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:49 pm

I started with TM about 10 years ago. Back then, it seemed that everyone was having problems with coverage. Technology has advanced greatly, but TM has stayed the same. I guess I stayed with them for their customer service which at least with me has been great. However, it is 10 years later, and they haven't improved the coverage in my area a bit. I'm locked into a contract for another 18 months since I just got a new phone. My other one was 5 years old.

T-mobile will not do anything to improve the coverage in that area. I looked at the coverage map and they don't even have coverage at all on I-5, just west of there.

Frankly, they just don't care if there is coverage in that area or not. Jim, you might as well go out into the woods and talk to an old stump. You will get about the same response from it as you will with T-Mobile.............nothing. Sorry[unsure]

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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by nickbell » Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:11 pm

Yeah, i have tmobile. They have problems ALOT. Sometimes i will send a text, it says it sent, but it never got to the person, and i have a signal because i live right by a cell phone tower. Sometimes i call someone, and when i talk i cant hear the other person talk, i only hear my voice.

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RE:If you have tmobile cell service plz read!!!!!!!

Post by Marc Martyn » Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:51 pm

Voice echo is pretty common. I have had to recall people again. It is always my phone. I think it is a satellite issue. Sometimes excessive solar flare activity will cause cell phones to act up.

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