1) Where is a good hole to fish in?(I don't mind combat fishing one bit.)
2) What would be a good lure or jig to use?
and 3) What times should i try for
Thanks for any answer in advance

where are they and are they closed this weekend?Fishininja wrote:go to the soccer fields
Back in the day they were paving farm roads that didn't need sidewalks or parking because the whole valley was farms, (not housing developments) so there was no need for parking or sidewalks.seattlesteban wrote:I am wondering why the people/citizens/gov't who paved the road back in the day did not think to include space on each side of the roadway for sidewalks or parking. Guess it was a bunch of dummies.OFFDAAHOOK wrote:ninja i would not advise soccer people are getting there cars towed like crazy .i know yo mean well but not good idea