What would you do?

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What would you do?

Post by Gordi » Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:24 pm

First post here. Today I had a major bat poop crazy moment that I will never forget while I was out fishing the Skookumchuck River. I normally don't cross the river out there, but for some reason the "explorer" in me thought it was a good day to cross the river while I was out fishing the fields and break trail. So if you've fished the fields you can account for the numerous beaten trails that line the river, and if you are like myself you've also noticed the abundant wild life trails and other things they leave behind. Some trails are prevalent and some are not so very much. I am sure some of you know where this story is going. So, I stopped by a hole that I have never stopped to fish, but always just walk right by it and keep on trucking through the field to other spots. Today was different though, and I made it a point to just go out and fish this one spot today. I just had that feeling that something special was going to happen today, meaning I was going to have one of those memorable moments fighting and landing that perfect Steelhead. I'll get to that a little later. So I get to the spot and notice I may have better access to a fishy looking area of the hole and decide to just cross over. Now I have never seen anyone across this part of the river nor seen anyone cross this part, but it was shallow and I could see the bottom relatively well all the way across. I trekked across and made it safely to shore. I found a beaten muddy trail that looked like it had been walked recently so I decided to follow it into the woods as it looked to go in the direction I was trying to get access to. Now it gets good. Now I am a stout fellow but tend to walk lightly with a purpose. As I make my way along this trail I am scanning my left and right constantly, just one of my military ticks. As I mentioned I am moving with a purpose, to get to the other side. Now one thing I notice is the abundance of all the greens and browns prevalent in this forest. But that didn't prepare me for what happened next. Turning a corner and watching my step I came to a complete stop as the big brown mound of dirt on my close left started to move and slowly grow bigger. A very lethargic slow. Now because I have never been in this type of situation, I was frozen in silence and in wonder. As in wondering which pocket my iphone was in because I thought to myself, wow this would be a cool picture to take, but then common sense began to sink in and the whole fight or flight thing began to kick in. Having walked up behind this giant ELK it began to raise its head up and that's when the "Bat began to become bat ****crazy." As it started to raise its head from behind its giant body, meanwhile I was digging in my waders trying to find my iphone I froze at the first sight of its giant antlers raising up. That's about the time I started thinking to myself I should probably stop looking for the iphone. Now I don't "pack" as I don't own a piece, and only carry my favorite knife ever. Just so happens to be a Bear Grylls knife, no pun intended. So my hearts racing a million beats per second as this huge bull elk is now towering and staring me down. I start to walk backwards very slowly, wondering what is thing going to do. Is it going to make a "move" or is it waiting for me to? The beast starts to snort, huff and motion his head like he wanted to wear me on his antlers, so that's when I decided to turn and run slipping and sliding down the muddy mess turning frequently to see if I was going to get impaled. I wind up sliding down the side of an embankment on my back on the way back down to the bank. When I got back on my feet I quickly checked my 6 and couldn't see the darn thing so I quickly made my way back across the river. A true meaningful experience as it just got better. Now, this whole thing happened in the AM, so I still had plenty of time to kill. I did think to myself should I just call it a day and go home? Nah, just shook it off and fished the hole from the side I originally started at. Go figure. So since this is getting lengthy I'll make this report short. Nightmare Jig 1/4 ounce(white head/red/black), Tipped with raw shrimp cured in pink nates prawn cure, 3.5' feet of 10# Maxima UG under Aerojig AF-1 fixed float. 30# power pro green braid main on the spinning reel. I had 3 bust me off at the jig. The 3rd was chrome as can be and unfortunately wrapped itself around a branch right in front of me snagging us both. The hole was too deep for me to try and get it out, but eventually it left with my jig and I got my float back. That was enough excitement for me for today so I decided to call it quits. To all that like to venture through the woods like myself, be safe! Til next time.

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Re: What would you do?

Post by sickbayer » Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:29 pm

Great story.

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Re: What would you do?

Post by Brat Bonker » Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:33 pm

haha I have had those moments with natures finest as well especially deer. Sounds like it is starting to be more catching than fishing now, very good to hear.

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Re: What would you do?

Post by The Quadfather » Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:35 pm

Thanks for sharing.. You will remember that day for awhile, I'm sure.

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Re: What would you do?

Post by mallard83 » Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:04 pm

Personally I wouldn't have ran. Elk aren't really much to be afraid of, although intimidating for the most part.........they ain't no moose. Slowly back away.......maybe, run.......not unless it charges. And if it does decide to charge, you probably wouldn't get get away. Like most animals they are pretty fast. Fun story though.

Btw, paragraphs are your friend.
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Re: What would you do?

Post by Mike Carey » Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:05 pm

pretty good first post. [woot]

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Re: What would you do?

Post by Kockmandoo » Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:39 pm

Cool story! When I was fishing skookumchuck over winter break me and danny walked up on a large herd just hanging out in the field, definitely sweet! As for the fishing thats awesome minus the breaking off. You could go 12# or 15# in the future, might make a difference.

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Re: What would you do?

Post by racfish » Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:06 pm

You need to send that story to Field and Stream. It was a good read.Thanks.Im with Kokmando . Use heavier leader in smaller water. JMO.

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Re: What would you do?

Post by Bodofish » Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:07 pm

Awesome adventure! You're very lucky the Elk weren't in "The Rut". Story could have ended very differently.
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Re: What would you do?

Post by RiverChromeGS » Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:04 pm

mallard83 wrote:Personally I wouldn't have ran. Elk aren't really much to be afraid of, although intimidating for the most part.........they ain't no moose. Slowly back away.......maybe, run.......not unless it charges. And if it does decide to charge, you probably wouldn't get get away. Like most animals they are pretty fast. Fun story though.

Btw, paragraphs are your friend.
Are u kidding? Bull elk, if you spook them like that being so close? Those big boys have killed people. Definetely not a good thing to mess with a 1100+ lb animal with a big antler rack bro. Id run too

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Re: What would you do?

Post by Bodofish » Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:09 pm

I was thinking of saying something like that but then I kind of get labeled and extremist. I agree, I've had a Bull come into camp and just rip the $h!t out of all the tents. Just because they were there. If I hear a Bugle and a snort, I'm looking for a tree!
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Re: What would you do?

Post by Gordi » Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:41 pm

Mike Carey wrote:pretty good first post. [woot]

Thank you, and I'm happy for the warm welcome. This site lives up to its reputation.

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Re: What would you do?

Post by Gordi » Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:54 pm

Kockmandoo wrote:Cool story! When I was fishing skookumchuck over winter break me and danny walked up on a large herd just hanging out in the field, definitely sweet! As for the fishing thats awesome minus the breaking off. You could go 12# or 15# in the future, might make a difference.
Trust me, I never thought I would ever actually walk up on any animal that size for one. Seeing one in the distance is one thing , but being close enough to whip that bad boy in the ass with my Lami SI is another.

That's what I was thinking. Usually I don't go wrong with 10# UG and don't have any issues landing fish with 10# despite the circumstances. However, I'm still a novice float fisherman and was surprised when I had a bobber down. The shallow lying banch it got wrapped up on was unforeseen as I saw it under it, but didn't expect it to run back up and do a back flip over it and go back around under it. This next trip I have planned tomorrow I will be using the 12# UG instead.

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Re: What would you do?

Post by Gordi » Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:58 pm

racfish wrote:You need to send that story to Field and Stream. It was a good read.Thanks.Im with Kokmando . Use heavier leader in smaller water. JMO.

Thanks. It was definitely something I'll never forget. I'll have to look into that. Too bad I didn't have my iphone "at the ready!"
Normally I go lighter in smaller water, but I'll be packing the 12# tomorrow. I'm always paranoid the 10# is overkill.

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Re: What would you do?

Post by Gordi » Fri Mar 01, 2013 9:05 pm

fishenfreak wrote:
mallard83 wrote:Personally I wouldn't have ran. Elk aren't really much to be afraid of, although intimidating for the most part.........they ain't no moose. Slowly back away.......maybe, run.......not unless it charges. And if it does decide to charge, you probably wouldn't get get away. Like most animals they are pretty fast. Fun story though.

Btw, paragraphs are your friend.
Are u kidding? Bull elk, if you spook them like that being so close? Those big boys have killed people. Definetely not a good thing to mess with a 1100+ lb animal with a big antler rack bro. Id run too

Yes indeed FF, that goes without saying. I think I made the right choice. Happy fishing!

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Re: What would you do?

Post by mallard83 » Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:21 pm

I stand by my opinion on the matter. Making abrupt and sudden movements with an already nervous on edge animal, not very smart imo. Just my experiences being a long time hunter. To each their own though. I guess next time I startle big game I'll just try and out run it. Because that makes sense. (Sarcasm)

I gave my thoughts so now I will be done posting on this thread before bodofish goes all extremist on me. [flapper] Good luck and keep it safe out there guys.

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Re: What would you do?

Post by RiverChromeGS » Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:50 pm

mallard83 wrote:I stand by my opinion on the matter. Making abrupt and sudden movements with an already nervous on edge animal, not very smart imo. Just my experiences being a long time hunter. To each their own though. I guess next time I startle big game I'll just try and out run it. Because that makes sense. (Sarcasm)

I gave my thoughts so now I will be done posting on this thread before bodofish goes all extremist on me. [flapper] Good luck and keep it safe out there guys.

Yea. Id probably just stay, maybe try to reach out and touch it even.

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Re: What would you do?

Post by schu7498 » Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:04 pm

Great story! Those bull elk are huge!

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Re: What would you do?

Post by natetreat » Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:05 pm

Poke it with a stick. When I was a kid, that's the game we'd play. Try to sneak up on the deer, possums, raccoons, big scary dog next door sleeping, and poke it with a stick. Deer really freak out when that happens. If you move REAL slow, you can sneak right up on 'em. They sure can jump high though. Poked a rabbit once too hard and had to eat it though.

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Re: What would you do?

Post by Gordi » Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:17 pm

mallard83 wrote:I stand by my opinion on the matter. Making abrupt and sudden movements with an already nervous on edge animal, not very smart imo. Just my experiences being a long time hunter. To each their own though. I guess next time I startle big game I'll just try and out run it. Because that makes sense. (Sarcasm)

I gave my thoughts so now I will be done posting on this thread before bodofish goes all extremist on me. [flapper] Good luck and keep it safe out there guys.

Whoa there, no need to reassert yourself on your opinion "long time hunter." No one is judging you here despite of your lack of constructive input. You restated what was already stated. Like the post says, "What would you do? And thanks for putting (sarcasm) cause since you've decided to let everyone know your opinion here of my actions not being "smart," I guess you figured I wasn't smart enough to figure out your second remark was that. Wrong on both, but do what you do best. Have a good one.

Next time I'll just stand there and try and pet it. (sarcasm)

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