Fall salmon is just around the corner and the expected run sizes for chinook and coho this year are looking better than ever! With an expected 150,000+ coho returning to the skagit compared to 53,000 last year, and strong stocks of chinook in puget sound, ready to enter our rivers, we are gearing up for a season filled with bloody fish boxes, screaming drags and chrome! (yes the skagit is also getting 1.2 million pinks, but i don't fish for pinks!!
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Most of the fish up this way (Skagit, Samish, Cascade) doesn't start until around the last week of August. I will be spending most of my time until then fishing up in Canada. We can expect chinook to begin filling the rivers around August 20th, and coho begin showing September 15th in strong numbers.
Last year I booked up solid much earlier than I expected, so if anyone wants to get out for fall salmon, whether it be from the bank, or the new 16 foot drift-boat, call or email this month! There may not be many free dates left open once the end of August nears.
I had a great time fishing with all my clients last year and was thrilled to meet so many awesome members of Walakes. I hope to see you all again this year and meet new fishermen as well. The fish are coming, and they are coming strong! See you on the water!
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Check out my updated website for 2013 with new Drift-Boat options, new fisheries and changing rates