Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
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Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
Morning All,
Parked on the S. Side of bridge there at Mann Rd in Sultan. Forgot my smokes in the car, so walked back only to find a couple of crackheads scampering around. I not so politely put the run on them and they headed across the bridge towards town talking crap the whole way. Typical tweaker, had nothing to say to me when I was 10 feet away, but boy he was tough when he made it to the bridge. Couple of other cars down there, but they didn't appear to be broken into. It wasn't even daylight when I got there, so I didn't notice that there is safety glass scattered all over that place. Apparently this isn't a new thing. I figured I'd let you guys know. Have a good one.
Parked on the S. Side of bridge there at Mann Rd in Sultan. Forgot my smokes in the car, so walked back only to find a couple of crackheads scampering around. I not so politely put the run on them and they headed across the bridge towards town talking crap the whole way. Typical tweaker, had nothing to say to me when I was 10 feet away, but boy he was tough when he made it to the bridge. Couple of other cars down there, but they didn't appear to be broken into. It wasn't even daylight when I got there, so I didn't notice that there is safety glass scattered all over that place. Apparently this isn't a new thing. I figured I'd let you guys know. Have a good one.
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
thanks. mustve been just a little fun getting to confront those crack heads
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
It was fun, but it amazed me more than anything. They must just hang out there all day and wait for people to show up.
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
That's a noted tweaker tent city. And yeah they do just sit and wait, thats the thing about tweakers, they got nuthin but time. I have an old 92 corolla that looks even worse than it runs, I drive that up there and no one seems to bother it. They probably see my care and figure I'm one of their own.
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
Do the crackheads hit all the parking areas up that way? I went up to Reiter and it was the same thing with the glass all over the place. I'm not driving anything too fancy either, trust me, but that hasn't stopped them from stealing it out of my parking lot two times. I live in downtown Everett, need I say more. The problem is they keep bringing it back. I carry full coverage lol.
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
Yeah the valley is full of tweakers and they hit everywhere.
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
It's not just the Sky valley, my rig got hit today at the Whitney put in on the green. Had a cold drive home today.
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
Seems like they are at all the fishing spots. Seen Nate today @ the Green river.Some A$$ hole shattered his window and didnt even take anything. On top of that it was unlocked!! Pretty jacked up!!!
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
I fish in spots that are a close walk from the vehicle just incase I hear my alarm going off. If it ever happens those tweekers better be in the best shape of their life because Im coming after them and their going to get an a$$ kicking that they will never forget
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
I know right? Tweakers know nothing of value, I had my 300 dollar spey rod sitting right there by the window. And all they took was my mountain dew. They really know how to ruin my day.MikeLFP wrote:Seems like they are at all the fishing spots. Seen Nate today @ the Green river.Some A$$ hole shattered his window and didnt even take anything. On top of that it was unlocked!! Pretty jacked up!!!
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
The worst part about all of these a-holes breaking into people's cars is that more often than not the damn window costs more to replace than what was taken.
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Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
Don't be messing with a man's Mountain Dew!
Sorry to hear about this Nate, that sucks.
Sorry to hear about this Nate, that sucks.
- HillbillyGeek
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Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
Is everyone reporting this to the police and/or WDFW? They won't do anything if they don't know about it... 

Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
Its good to report. But these spots on the sky are no secret, the cops can't be everywhere. This stuff has been going on as long as I can remember. Just the cost of doing business, would love to see more cops around but they are pretty busy. Heck we cant even get a game warden up there most times.
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
When you call 911 for a "car prowl" they transfer you to the non-emergency operator. They take your statement, ask what was stolen and broken, how much you think it was worth, and give you a case number. And that's it. No officer comes out, nothing goes on more than that. Maybe they tell the sheriff deputy about it and he makes more patrols in that area, but he's too busy breaking up DV and pulling over people speeding in a school zone to change it. There is no way to find the folks that busted into your car. They can't afford the manpower to send a detective down to finger print your dash, interview for witnesses, or generally do any policing. Unless you capture these guys on video, or witness them breaking into your car, there is nothing you can do to change it. Calling the police simply gives you a case number to provide to your insurance company that says, yea, I was indeed broken into.
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
I would love to catch them in the act.Little river side served Justice.Cant stand thieves!!!
- HillbillyGeek
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Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
This is sad. Society is going downhill for sure. When I used to hunt big game, someone would always stay in camp to keep an eye on our vehicles and gear. Do we need a designated watch dog for fishing too???
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
you can always pick up a pit bull at the shelter and chain it to your car
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Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
I gotta think there are probably just a handful of guys responsible for this crap up in that area. If I had more time I would say it would almost be worth parking up at one of these spots and then hiding out and waiting for these guys with a video camera in hand. I'd love to see the look on their faces when the sheriff pulls up.
Re: Warning! Skykomish Car Prowlers
Given the opportunity we would all like to have a few minutes with these guys. Just remember when they are strung out they feel no pain. What would put you and I down won't even start to phase them.