If they start entering the river in the early part of September the fishing is fairly good. If they enter the river the very last part of September and early October, well then it's can be a tough season
This is the only part of that news letter that I will call completely false. Last year fishing didn't get good until the very end of September when we got our first big rain and fishing was INSANE for the next three weeks. And we caught chrome bright fish through November. With the river temps being so high, mixed with low clear flows, any fish that hits the river right now is going to be very hard to persuade with any kind of offering. Brads Wee wigglers, dick-nites, and good ole trusty eggs can get them snappy though. But we need a good blow out before fishing gets awesome.
The other thing I heard about last years season was this; "The only reason fishing was so good is because the flows were high and the humpies impeded the progress of the Coho." Also coming from the same source as this news letter. Again, Ill throw up the BS flag on that. Fishing was so good last year because we had the same conditions, Low, warm flows. Coho staged in the salt until the rivers cooled down, allowing massive number of fish to enter the river throughout October. Mix that with cool river temps and favorable water clarity and you have the recipe for full punch cards. The plug bite was crazy, fish were smacking plugs at the side of the boat, and you could plunk eggs literally under the boat and crank fish in as quick as you could get your gear out.