A place for readers to talk about river fishing in Washington.
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Was wondering the same thing the other day when I was watching somebody on a paddle board on Lake Ballinger and recalling the day he helped the guy that fell out of his boat
Ran into him the other day - he's just busy with other ventures. Not sure if he is still producing videos for people or not. I can contact him and find out if you are interested.
I fish not because I regard fishing as being terribly important, but because I suspect that so many of the other concerns of men are equally unimportant, and not nearly so much fun. ~ John Volker
Ole' Oneshot has been a busy boy with a new little family member and work stuffs. He is planning on returning for the Pink/Coho season during our last convo. He is usually pretty quite unless he is out fishing.
oh man the love.. I feel special.. and not in the "ed" kind of way this time...
I have been up to A LOT!! and none of it has been fishing unfortunately but I DO plan on being out this fall.. I need to make some vehicle changes and get a new truck (another reason keeping my boat garaged)
still have boat, still make videos just not as a business although I am for hire still if someone has a need.. I am shooting a wedding in a few weeks, making a moto promo for another guy soon and still tinker with my own vids but mostly in a lull right now. winter is for surely my biggest passion and old man winter is not been around much last couple seasons.. we don't need to talk about that depression
not in particular order, keeping me from getting out fishing and hanging out on forums..
-Work "Research Program Manager" (super busy, not much time for internetting)
-Golfing (for work, yes I have been getting paid to golf about 4 or more times a week for the last couple months and do product research) we just released this experience -> http://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-band/en-us/golf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
-kid #2 came along 2 summers ago and now that he runs almost faster than me. he requires a lot of my free time, him and the big boy "twoshot". lots of you know twoshot, he'll be out there with me this fall
-bought our 1st home in April in Shoreline and moved out of Seattle finally.
-need new truck to towing boat (my jeep is beat-up and has various issues)
i'm happy to see some of you chiming in here.. i'm still alive! i'm looking forward to some river days with you guys this fall!!
If you see my drone flying around the river this fall, wave hi!
only powder day we had last CREEPY winter and one of the last vids I put up on Youtube...