$64,000 question to WDFW Mill Creek office minutes ago was : What is the criteria for removal the Emergency Closure?? Criteria? Never heard of it
![Confused [confused]](./images/smilies/msp_confused.gif)
"I'm itching to get twitching" BTW I'll believe it when I see it!
I just want from WDFW the benchmark they will decide on for opening our rivers? HELLO!jonb wrote:rained all day again today.. supposed to rain tomorrow with a possibility of a lightning storm. rivers should be brown and angry and puking up whole trees by then. how much rain do we need?
Where did you find this info? Do you know the exact location?oldguyfox wrote:Sky is open from Sultan to the mouth.
scraig1962 wrote:https://fortress.wa.gov/dfw/erules/efis ... sp?id=1680
September 2, 2015
Reopen the Skykomish River below the mouth of the Sultan River
Action: Open the Skykomish River from the mouth upstream to the mouth of the Sultan River to fishing.
Effective dates: Sept. 2, 2015, until further notice.
Species affected: All fish species.
Location: From the mouth of the Skykomish to the mouth of the Sultan River. Rules:
Night closure and anti-snagging rules
Salmon, daily limit 3 plus 1 additional pink, release Chinook and chum. Trout, daily limit, 2, minimum size 14 inches. Dolly Varden/bull trout may be kept as part of trout daily limit, minimum size 20 inches.
Gamefish, statewide minimum size/daily limit.
Reason for action: Water temperatures have decreased and flows increased.
Additional Information: The Skykomish River from mouth of the Sultan River upstream to the Highway 2 Bridge in Goldbar (Big Eddy Access) remains closed to all fishing under an Emergency Rule issued July 17, 2015. The Skykomish River from the Hwy 2 Bridge in Goldbar (Big Eddy Access) upstream to the confluence of the North and South forks (area around Reiter Ponds) remains open as described in the Fishing Rules Pamphlet. Temperatures and flow are being monitored and additional sections of the Skykomish River may open.
Information contact: Jennifer Whitney, District 13 fish biologist, (425) 775-1311