09 River fishing in retrospect

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09 River fishing in retrospect

Post by Maurice » Wed Nov 25, 2009 1:12 pm

Well, i figured since the 09 season is wayning down, not ending just coming to a close I would share my experiences and thoughts.

I fished more rivers this year than any other in the 3 years I have been fishing rivers. I have learned much this year and enjoyed several limit days even if they were pinks. I really wanted to hit the Skok for kings and silvers and then chum but I showed to early for kings and almost to late for chum. Most of my time was spent on the Puke or carbon. My sife fished many days with me and has only 1 spot left on her punch card, and this is her first year fishing salmon. My son who lives nearly 90 miles away caught his biggest salmon this year with me, it may have only been a chum but it was 15 pounds and he was like a kid in a candy store and hes 20 years old.

I found many new spots on the Puke that I didnt know about last year or the year before and even more on the carbon, I hit the green for my first time this year near the soccer fields. I put in an average of 5 days a month this year on the rivers and plan on doubling that next year(only 5 days because of stupid cars problems). I love to fish Minter because you arrive in good shape and leave feeling like you have been beat because you hooked so many fish. It also heartens me to know that the game department is watching out there. I met a warden on the puke early in the season that gave me some tips and they turned into productive results. But I also like to see that when someon breaks the fishing laws that they get teciketed no matter what language they speak.

I caught tons and tons of pinks this year but also a couple silvers and now catching chum, What I enjoy the most about this season is looking forward to the next season with the knowledge I have learned this year and with the knowledge I gain from this site from all you who contribute.

I learned to use a baitcaster for fishing also this year and I love it, I now have 3.

What was the best thing about the season, I got my mom and dad out fishing with me for a day and neither of them have fished in over 30 years. I wish they would have caught something but they made an effort. My mom actually is going to buy a year long license because she wants to do some bottom fishing in the south sound.

My plans for next year are to hit the skok for kings and silvers a few times and go and explore the Cowlitz, I have yet to go there, I may even venture down there for the springers. put in some serious time on the Puke and Carbon for kings and silvers, and try and learn the green more for the silvers.

I love to fish just to be outside in what ever condition I have fished lakes for many years and the rivers are exciting
Thanks to all who have provided us newbs:-" with learning information. and to those who hate the newbs and complain, give them patience and time you were them once.
Why cant Marriage License be like fishing licenses,

Where they expire every year and when

you go out of state you can get a 3 day pass.

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RE:09 River fishing in retrospect

Post by jens » Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:40 pm

Good stuff Maurice, maybe I'll run into one of these times.
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RE:09 River fishing in retrospect

Post by BassDood » Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:55 pm

Good point on giving the newbs a break. I'm not an expert, but I've done it for a while. Like bass fishing, I'm more than willing to help or share what I can. Probably the river highlight was seeing two kids (teenagers) on the Puy fishing for pinks. These guys had no damn idea what was what or what to use and had never river fished before. Another guy and I got them rigged up and with a little guidance, they were hooking fish. Priceless! My other highlight was catching silvers from 3 different rivers. I don't fish a lot of rivers, so it was an accomplishment for me. Great job out there Maurice.
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RE:09 River fishing in retrospect

Post by Mike Carey » Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:55 pm

Nice sumation, but you've got a month to go and some steelhead to catch!

I remember when I was younger with less responsibilities and had time to fish 6-8 times a month. Really felt like I was getting river fishing down. Nothing like learning to read water and being rewarded by a catch!

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RE:09 River fishing in retrospect

Post by flinginpooh » Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:09 pm

Yep yep winter run steelers comming to a river near you. There is still some late run silvers in a few rivers. Cowlitz, green, carbon, to name a few. Winter run kings should be soon there in the sound now in many places. You got alot of chums in the rivers now. Plenty of fishing really. Dont think of december 31st as last day of the year for fishing. You have until april to fish. Plenty more days this season. 5 months worth still. And most rivers you have until the end of febuary. Lots more fish to catch and I for one cant wait till the next fish I catch. My moniker says it well. More fish please! As Mr Buffer would say "LETS GET READY TO RUMBLEEEEEE!"
More fish please!

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