River Idiots: post your worst stories

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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by natetreat » Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:25 pm

salmonator_1228 wrote:I know what you're talking about nate, I'm only 13. One time my dad and I were going pink fishing at Bush Point ( I know its not a river ), my dad left to get the cooler from the car (which is like 20 minutes away cuz of the hike) after I landed a fish. This guy kept on trying to take on my dad's spot, I told him " excuse me sir, but this spot is taken ". Him saying in a heavy accent " so ", I asked him " do you mind? ", guess what he said..... "YES!", yelling at me. Guess what, he didn't catch a single fish since his buzz bomb was way too big, 5" to be exact. My dad and I each caught our limit, with one extra coho hen as a bonus ( my first coho ever! ). It was fun watching him get mad and break his rod though xD,, my dad was like, "karma's a ***** and we left laughing".

Hahaha! Yea, that's what I'm talking about? Why do people have to be jerks? That's great that you caught fish out from under him though. OUr country is headed toward an idiocracy -


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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by dicinu » Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:39 pm

I am what I consider a Small guy also only 5'8 but I am a firm believer if someone is in my personal Space and they are going on and on I start swinging. If they want to talk trash well I can do that to! and with talking trash sooner or later they will want to fight I am a Shyt talker. I am friendly to all those who met me on the Site Knot Snake a few others I will bs with anyone on the river i will help net fish de tangle lines in front of me. I really don't care as long as I am not in the house watching TV! I am a talker I can talk to a perfect stranger and have a good time. I do not have patients for bullies. I will stand up for myself and my little ones. Kids either my own or some youngsters just out fishing.

I got into a couple heated conversations with folks over some kids that aren't even mine! because some Jackoff wants to be king of the river. well to me I have fun as I watch these kids out fish whom ever is talking trash....

but most of my stories really aren't worth telling as the arguements are always from some bill badd behind on the other side of the river.... only once on my side and after the 2 guys started to mouth off and I am fishing by myself and I nicely cussed them out they ended up leaving... "a simple your not on the opposite side of the river today, so don't let your mouth write checks your Arse cannot cash!" same 2 punks that been doing that to folks all week!

but yeah I have a personal Space issues. I don't care how big someone is when in a river the real question is how good of a swimmer are you really?

and just to clearify My personal space issues are if anyone with Stiking distance they are in my personal space.

I do not look to bully folks only have a good time and fish fish are still not that important to fight over but again with my Personal Space that is something to fight over IMO!

Nate I will say you have better Patients then me I wouldn't of been able to stop my temper once they started messing with my father! I would of been in Jail that day for sure I congrat you on your patients and temper control!

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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by islandbass » Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:20 pm

Sorry you had to go through that. I tend to calm, cool and collected myself generally speaking, but like everyone else, if the right buttons get pushed, you're going to regret tangling with me.

I would have done my best to ignore him, simply because it would be a waste of time and mental energy that would take away from my fishing experience.

However in your case, if they were pushing my dad around, whose demeanor is not unlike your dad's, that would have been the straw that broke the camel's back, or just like when the Klingon to Scotty that the Enterprise was a Garbage Scow.

My dad is in his 70s and I would not have stood for. I'm shorter than 5'8" but that has not stopped me from taking on someone the size of refrigerator Perry and winning. The size of my fight exceeds my "Wolverine-sized" stature (you marvel comic fans know he isn't tall :spiderman ) No one messes with my dad or family for that matter on my watch.

I got to hand it to you for remaining cool. I hate to think how I might have succumbed to the rage.

I know some people consider packing, but I have given some thought about taking one of these with me for protection.


They are solid, and can easily smash a skull so I would probably go for a knee... j/k. At the very least, it would make one heck of a fish bonker.


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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by natetreat » Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:45 pm

Hahahaha! I already know that that would be asking for trouble. I probably would not ever use a weapon unless it was a situation where I had to protect myself or others from a real threat, not just some punk. If someone decides to throw down, I'm well able to defend myself. Throw in a weapon and that's asking for some big trouble.

I do like the thought of someone getting a knee capped bonked for being a jack @$$ though. Some times I wish they'd bring back dueling. I think a polite society is a society where people know if they're an ______ they'll have to answer for it. There is no accountability any more for words and very little for actions. And there is no more honor to protect.

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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by fishbiker » Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:45 am

i always carry bear maze, why here ??? i just got used to it fishing in alaska so much, now its a habit i guess after i got attacked by a bear up there. i have never had to use it on a person and let me tell you it don,t do much to a pissed off bear. maybe you should keep some in the tackle box just in case
you run in to a pack of -------- . every where you go and every thing you do in life theres always at least one dumb --- in the crowd. so far up here in the lake stevens area where i live all has been good and people have been nice on the rivers the sno and sky. i lived in san diego for many many years and its just one dumb --- after another down there , great fishing all over that i miss. as far as snaggers i have seen many fish snagged on the sky in the last few weeks and some were kept and some let go, i had my limit the other day but one was a snagged coho i let go, came home with 2 nice ones. calling the fish and game or the cops is a good first step, if you call the cops they normally get there quicker if you tell them you are being harrassed or some one is trying to start a fight with you. Its normal for the weakest hen in the pack to cluck the most so thats the one you want to roast first, just watch out for the queit guys like yourself, thay are the ones that will tear you up lol good luck in the future and i am sure your dads proud of you for not being a hare trigger type of guy any more.

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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by fishbiker » Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:54 am

natetreat wrote:Hahahaha! I already know that that would be asking for trouble. I probably would not ever use a weapon unless it was a situation where I had to protect myself or others from a real threat, not just some punk. If someone decides to throw down, I'm well able to defend myself. Throw in a weapon and that's asking for some big trouble.

I do like the thought of someone getting a knee capped bonked for being a jack --- though. Some times I wish they'd bring back dueling. I think a polite society is a society where people know if they're an ______ they'll have to answer for it. There is no accountability any more for words and very little for actions. And there is no more honor to protect.

thats funny as ---- . lmos mr jack. lol maybe every one who is born should be allowed to kill one person in there life time , every body gets a bullet to kill there one person
so if you are fishing,driving or out with the wife and some guy is hitting on her or some dumb --- is bugging you you get to kill one of them, what this would do is make people wonder before they act because they have no idea if you used your bullet yet so i think the human race as a whole would be much nicer and may never take some ones fishing spot for fear of getting there --- shot!!! lol if it were that easy

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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by SculpinKing » Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:29 pm

So, to go back to Nate's original post. First off, Nate, thanks for calling the cops on the snaggers. Glad to see them away from the water. If I understand correctly, the guys that were harassing you for, what they thought was a possible rules violation (or maybe just what they perceived as a type of fishing that was legal, but unethical) actually got ticketed themselves for violating the punch card rules?! That's a classic right there. I assumed he was just some jack---- who read a couple message board threads on "snaggers" and thought he got to be an unofficial warden, but it sounds like he really was, as you said, just trying to get you away from his good spot.

edited by today's bad mod - amx

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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by Amx » Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:37 pm

Ok people, NO SWEARING! Thankyou. :-)

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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by basser90 » Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:00 pm

Sorry to hear that happened Nate, but am I the only one that wants to go up there next weekend and kick some butt. I guess I'm a bit of a hot head too. :-k You did good kid

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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by fishbiker » Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:12 pm

i,m with you!!! at least make them wet there panties lol

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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by jens » Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:42 pm

fishbiker wrote:
natetreat wrote:Hahahaha! I already know that that would be asking for trouble. I probably would not ever use a weapon unless it was a situation where I had to protect myself or others from a real threat, not just some punk. If someone decides to throw down, I'm well able to defend myself. Throw in a weapon and that's asking for some big trouble.

I do like the thought of someone getting a knee capped bonked for being a jack --- though. Some times I wish they'd bring back dueling. I think a polite society is a society where people know if they're an ______ they'll have to answer for it. There is no accountability any more for words and very little for actions. And there is no more honor to protect.

thats funny as ---- . lmos mr jack. lol maybe every one who is born should be allowed to kill one person in there life time , every body gets a bullet to kill there one person
so if you are fishing,driving or out with the wife and some guy is hitting on her or some dumb --- is bugging you you get to kill one of them, what this would do is make people wonder before they act because they have no idea if you used your bullet yet so i think the human race as a whole would be much nicer and may never take some ones fishing spot for fear of getting there --- shot!!! lol if it were that easy
What the??? You would shoot someone over a fishing spot?? Really????????????? Wow.

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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by ResQ » Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:43 pm


Fished by curley creek today. Lots jumping but since I have never fished chum before, I decided to fish next to some people who seemed to be having some luck. After a bit I noticed every fish was brought in tail first. Then they were bragging about snagging them saying "aslong as its 1 inch from the head we can keep it". So my buddy and I decided to head in and get some herring and bobber so they could actively bite on them, and the guy says he was using the same setup with buzzbombs as we were, but you just have to "snag the sh*t outta them". GRRRRRR. That is a dissapointment to sports fishermen everywhere. So we left without fightin any fish. Got some bites on the herring, but no takers. But I feel better at the end of the day. :tongue:

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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by panfisher » Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:12 pm

It sucks to be a better fisher person some times!!!!

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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by EAmon ___hoffman123 » Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:30 pm

Nate, My dad and i were fishing for pinks on the sky sometime in september, and a couple of jerk's came by yelling at this asian couple that were following every tule and they were jigging and ALL we were hearing is "GO BACK TO ASIA" and someother BS and they starting swearing at them calling them "SNAGGERS' , After enough hearing them my Dad politely said," You guy's need to stop herrasing theese folk's, there are't doing anything wrong", and then this guys yell's at my pop's" Did I ASSK YOU" (at the time my dad was kneeling on the bank putting eggs on) then my Dad stand's up and he's 6'3 and weighs 230, and said "excuse me you do not want me to get me into this im a ex marine and i have respect for a lot of people but, you just lost mine" than the guy's eye's lit up and he walked off muttering to himself.
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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by AJ's Dad » Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:31 pm

All of us rednecks hated the cops? I hope you got over that as you grew up as well.

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Re: River Idiots: post your worst stories

Post by returnofthefish » Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:52 pm

EAmon ___hoffman123 wrote:Nate, My dad and i were fishing for pinks on the sky sometime in september, and a couple of jerk's came by yelling at this asian couple that were following every tule and they were jigging and ALL we were hearing is "GO BACK TO ASIA" and someother BS and they starting swearing at them calling them "SNAGGERS' , After enough hearing them my Dad politely said," You guy's need to stop herrasing theese folk's, there are't doing anything wrong", and then this guys yell's at my pop's" Did I ASSK YOU" (at the time my dad was kneeling on the bank putting eggs on) then my Dad stand's up and he's 6'3 and weighs 230, and said "excuse me you do not want me to get me into this im a ex marine and i have respect for a lot of people but, you just lost mine" than the guy's eye's lit up and he walked off muttering to himself.
Ive gotten the "go back to Asia" followed by some racial terms that I wouldnt post here. Thats cool of your dad for standing up for those Asians. Thats why I only fish King County or places that I know are safe.

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