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Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:19 pm
by natetreat
These criminals have sunk to a new low. I'll be keeping an eye out, let's get the WaLakes patrol on duty to get this boat back to our vets. ... tolen-boat" onclick=";return false;
Puyallup's Jeff Mason was getting ready to launch Fish'n Trips For Heroes, a charity that takes Wounded Warriors on fishing trips at no charge. But on Friday morning, while he was out volunteering at a local elementary school, his boat was stolen from his driveway.
We need your help to try and track down Jeff's boat.
Boat description:

"The boat is a 20 foot North River," Jeff told me. "It has big, black letters on the side that say North River. The top half is white and the bottom is a polished aluminum. A Yamaha 8 horse power motor."
Description of the thief's truck:
Black Ford or Chevy half-ton, four door truck. It has a brown or tan stripe on the lower part of the vehicle.
Email Jeff if you have any tips:
Also, Jeff will be selling Christmas trees and wreaths, and all the money will go towards Fish'n Trips For Heroes. His lot will be located at the intersection of Meridian and 152nd Street on the south hill of Puyallup, starting Friday Nov. 29th. He's also offering free tree delivery in the Puyallup/South Hill area.
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:44 pm
by EAmon ___hoffman123
Man that really stinks ill keep a look out,
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:01 pm
by gonnahookit
I work in Fife, live in Tacoma, so I linked the article on my FB page, and will keep my eyes open as well.
Hope the POS that did this gets caught by someone other than the police.
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:29 pm
by natetreat
I just spoke with Jeff via email, and have some updated information on the numbers and motor. The registration number is WN 7415 NT. It has a 150 Yamaha V Max and a 8 horse Yamaha Power Thrust Kicker on it.
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:33 pm
by racfish
I pass two boat launches everyday. I'll keep a look out.
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:02 pm
by MarkFromSea
Duncan Dharkeez wrote:Trying a post on the full post button vs quick reply. I think something is wrong with my computer.
I am going to email Jeff about a reward, I was thinking it would be a good idea to get people actively searching!
Especially in this case, it is reward enough to get this boat back for it's intended purpose>>>> HELPING WOUNDED WARRIORS! That should be more than enough "reward" for anyone. It's not a horrible idea, it's just a shame really that is what America has become: "What's in it for me?" It's not your fault Duncan.... heck, your idea may be more effective in the recovery.... I hope it works....
Damn, I'm tired.... ;)
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:38 pm
by MarkFromSea
MarkFromSea wrote:Duncan Dharkeez wrote: It's not a horrible idea, it's just a shame really that is what America has become: "What's in it for me?" It's not your fault Duncan.... heck, your idea may be more effective in the recovery.... I hope it works....
I understood that Duncan, that's why I included the above in my comment...

Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:05 am
by kzoo
I also saw this on Kiro 7 day before Veterans day for a 30 second clip. Hopefully the media attention will put pressure on the local police.
Now trucks are getting stolen from the local areas on the Snohomish/Skykomish system.
One of these days, these thieves will get whats coming to them.
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:43 pm
by fishinChristian
I hope kzoo is right. Think there'd be interest in some kind of WaLakes drive or charity tournament to help replace the boat, or help it run if they get it back? Just a thought.
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:06 pm
by MotoBoat
fishinChristian wrote:I hope kzoo is right. Think there'd be interest in some kind of WaLakes drive or charity tournament to help replace the boat, or help it run if they get it back? Just a thought.
Has it been determined if the boat was insured, or not adequately so?
Maybe take a vet fishing, while the boat recovery process continues.
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:31 pm
by sickbayer
Ya I thought about this insurance, did the guy have any? I'm sure he did, so I'm not that bothered by it all.
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:41 pm
by MarkFromSea
The report said he had insurance.... he also had fishing gear on the boat, my understanding is rods and reels.... not sure how much is covered by insurance, deductible ect.
My understanding from the different reports I've read and seen on the boob is,,,, he just woke up one night and told his wife he was going to do this for vets, wounded warriors... then he bought the boat and had just recently rcvd approval from Lewis/McChord to proceed with the plan of taking vets out. Wounded Warrior Program. I haven't heard any updates...other than that.
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:14 pm
by natetreat
He has insurance. for me, it's not getting the gear back that's the issue, or the compensation, just the fact that we need to track down these thieves and put them in jail where they belong, preferably on a Friday night so that they have to wait all weekend before they're arraigned and released on their own recognizance without bail. 6 months later they will be sentenced to 2 years of probation and time served. They will steal 3 boats, two cars and smash and grab about 5,000 retail before they get caught again and do a month.
I wish this wasn't the case, but our justice system doesn't really deter criminals unless we track them down like the animals that they are.
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:28 pm
by sickbayer
As I stated on a previous post on another thread there is no repercussions for theft, vandalism or petty crimes that hurt the law abiding citizen the most as it takes us all year to earn it and minutes for it to be taken away. I've had two motorcycles stolen both where alarmed and, chained but if they want it they gonna get it. NO matter how many guns you got you gotta sleep at some point and you gotta go to work. Insurance is necessary, I doubt the people who took it realized what the owners plan was and how much media attention it got.
I agree with you nate that is prob what will happen if they get caught but....what else could we do, throw them in jail for 20years, what that will cost us? Send them to school, give them free meth...tsk I don't know...
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:36 pm
by MarkFromSea
sickbayer wrote:As I stated on a previous post on another thread there is no repercussions for theft, vandalism or petty crimes that hurt the law abiding citizen the most as it takes us all year to earn it and minutes for it to be taken away. I've had two motorcycles stolen both where alarmed and, chained but if they want it they gonna get it. NO matter how many guns you got you gotta sleep at some point and you gotta go to work. Insurance is necessary, I doubt the people who took it realized what the owners plan was and how much media attention it got.
I agree with you nate that is prob what will happen if they get caught but....what else could we do, throw them in jail for 20years, what that will cost us? Send them to school, give them free meth...tsk I don't know...
Sounds like a good ole' fashioned flogging or keel hauling is in order!
![ThumbsUp [thumbsup]](./images/smilies/msp_thumbsup.gif)
That was a heck of a game today! I enjoyed it immensely!

Way to go Seahawks!
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:09 am
by natetreat
MarkFromSea wrote:sickbayer wrote:As I stated on a previous post on another thread there is no repercussions for theft, vandalism or petty crimes that hurt the law abiding citizen the most as it takes us all year to earn it and minutes for it to be taken away. I've had two motorcycles stolen both where alarmed and, chained but if they want it they gonna get it. NO matter how many guns you got you gotta sleep at some point and you gotta go to work. Insurance is necessary, I doubt the people who took it realized what the owners plan was and how much media attention it got.
I agree with you nate that is prob what will happen if they get caught but....what else could we do, throw them in jail for 20years, what that will cost us? Send them to school, give them free meth...tsk I don't know...
Sounds like a good ole' fashioned flogging or keel hauling is in order!
![ThumbsUp [thumbsup]](./images/smilies/msp_thumbsup.gif)
That was a heck of a game today! I enjoyed it immensely!

Way to go Seahawks!
Go hawks! We missed the fourth quarter, my cellphone battery died. Bute when we got off the river we found that we missed out on a fantastic whooping! it was nice to see Percy making some epic plays. How about that kickoff return?
Re: Help find stolen charity boat - let's get it back guys!
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:00 am
by MotoBoat
Not much of a fan in the past. But started watching Seabird games midway through last season. Became a real fan of the "little" quarterback with "big hands". Watched every game this season. What a fantastic season it is.
Back to the topic. What is the process when something like a car or boat is stolen, and that item is insured? By process, I mean time line. By that I mean, after the police report and insurance carrier are contacted. What needs to occur to satisfy the insurance company of a loss, and ultimate pay off? Is there a block of time set aside for recovery of that property, before the claim process begins?
Is there a state insurance law, restricting the length of time an insurance company can "reasonably" draw out the claims process? I would think "waiting it out" is in the best interest of insurance. Since, a partial recovery is less costly than no recovery. Yet, drawing out the claim is not fair to the insured. Who or what keeps the game fair?