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Columbia Kings from the bank near the Vernita Bridge

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:33 am
by Gringo Pescador
I am going to be down in that area this weekend and am thinking to try for kings from the bank if I have time. Probably hit that fish camp up near the hatchery creek. The last time I was out there we fished by boat and I saw bank anglers, some tossing spoons and a couple looked to be plunking.
I was thinking about bringing spoons but also was wondering about fishing eggs under a float. The reports are saying they have been having luck in +or- 15' of water which looks like it would be totally doable from the bank.

Anyone have any experience, advice for fishing for kings from the bank in that area?

Re: Columbia Kings from the bank near the Vernita Bridge

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:07 am
by Bodofish
Take your boat! Also trolling under the I90 bridge at Vantage, nice choke point.

Re: Columbia Kings from the bank near the Vernita Bridge

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:07 am
by eat-sleep-fish
I have heard of guys fishing just below Wanapum Dam floating eggs and doing well. Never tried it but thinking of it this weekend.