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Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:55 am
by JoshH
Just read on the WDFW site that the Skagit and Cascade open for Coho 9/28. 4 fish limit on the Skagit but only 2 can be native, and a 4 fish limit on the Cascade. ... sp?id=1873" onclick=";return false;
Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 5:00 pm
by dj2loud
You have to love the NO BAIT RULE... I QUOTE BAIT PROHIBITED.......
Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 5:32 pm
by JoshH
Snohomish now opens tomorrow as well. Dont know why they dont open up areas 8-2 and 8-1
Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 6:09 pm
by riverhunter
Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:27 am
by beeman
Pretty limited opening for the Snohomish
Action: Opens the Snohomish River to fishing for coho salmon Sept. 29 through Oct. 2, and Oct. 6 through Oct. 9.
Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:08 am
by JoshH
dj2loud wrote:You have to love the NO BAIT RULE... I QUOTE BAIT PROHIBITED.......
Honestly as well the overwhelming majority of Skagit Coho are natives, In the past 10 years of so I have not seen a hatchery fish, though I know a few trickle into Marblemount. So the effective limit is 2
Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:17 pm
by dj2loud
friends hit the river today and WOW! Fish are everywhere and they are BIG! 10-15lbs..........
Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:15 pm
by Salmon King
I have never fished the rivers...
Can you clue me in on the where, what, and how?
I would like to try this Sat.
Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 5:02 am
by RiverChromeGS
JoshH wrote:dj2loud wrote:You have to love the NO BAIT RULE... I QUOTE BAIT PROHIBITED.......
Honestly as well the overwhelming majority of Skagit Coho are natives, In the past 10 years of so I have not seen a hatchery fish, though I know a few trickle into Marblemount. So the effective limit is 2
Thats cause your fishing low in the system. Hatchery cascade fish shoot upriver fast. There are tons of them holding in the upper river, the big wild fish hold more in the lower especially in oct and nov. Cascade has met their quota and theres tons more hatchery coming. Both wild and hatch are in extreme abundance this year

Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 7:24 am
by Salmon King
Never thought about that river chrome....
Good to know.
Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:17 am
by JoshH
RiverChromeGS wrote:JoshH wrote:dj2loud wrote:You have to love the NO BAIT RULE... I QUOTE BAIT PROHIBITED.......
Honestly as well the overwhelming majority of Skagit Coho are natives, In the past 10 years of so I have not seen a hatchery fish, though I know a few trickle into Marblemount. So the effective limit is 2
Thats cause your fishing low in the system. Hatchery cascade fish shoot upriver fast. There are tons of them holding in the upper river, the big wild fish hold more in the lower especially in oct and nov. Cascade has met their quota and theres tons more hatchery coming. Both wild and hatch are in extreme abundance this year

I do admit the VAST majority of my time ever spent on the Skagit has been between Blake's resort and the Spud House, trying to stay below the nets.
Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 1:52 pm
by RiverChromeGS
That would be why ;). Rockport has lots of hatchery

Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:27 pm
by Salmon King
Anyone know if the Nets will be in all weekend?
I am betting they will net every Fri.-Mon. through 12/1 just to piss off the recreational fishers.
Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:54 pm
by branweeds
RiverChromeGS wrote:That would be why ;). Rockport has lots of hatchery

Did you take out Jon B, LunkersTV, and Peric?
Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:28 pm
by JoshH
Salmon King wrote:I have never fished the rivers...
Can you clue me in on the where, what, and how?
I would like to try this Sat.
Depends on how you are fishing, from the bank or a boat. Almost all my experience on the Skagit has been between Fir Island and where the north and south forks converge. The lower river the fish don't really hold, there is so much water and it's moving pretty fast, so you are fishing for schools moving through. There is a lot of bank access on the south fork, but not as many start up the south fork. Access in Milltown (Tom Moore Slough - real snaggy and extremely tidal), at the launch right in Conway before you cross the river bridge. After you cross the bridge if you take the immediate right, there is access to a large bank just as the road makes it's first sharp corner left. If you keep going out Fir Island, just before the north fork bride take that right and it take you to a launch with beach access. The other spot is the spudhouse, continue over the bridge then you take a right just before the turn to LaConner (I have to google map the rest of the way there, it has a WDFW access site) Then there are the popular bars in Mt Vernon and Burlington. I haven't really fished farther up. Because of the mass amount of water and how fast it moves, most plunk, this year with the no bait rule, it would be a spoon like a Dick Nite. The other option I prefer is to cast and retrieve a spoon, spinner, or plug. From a boat I've anchored up and plunked spoons, or bottom drift bounced spoons. Slow trolling I know works well, I've just never done it.
Farther up river I've got basically no experience.
Since I have changed out to kayak fishing, the Skagit kind of left my wheelhouse. Not sure I want to try and pedal against that current. Pissed they won't open up the salt.
Re: Skagit and Cascade open to Coho 9/28
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:02 pm
by Salmon King
Thank you sir....
I will be working the lower River tomorrow and Sunday I plan on moving up river further...maybe even up to the Cascade.
I will have to stop at Holiday to pick up the proper tackle then it's time to fish!