salmonslayer117 wrote:I agree with rseas. I wonder if they actually think that the sport fisheries affect the mortality rates of a certain species as much as the drift/gill netters downstream?
we all have our complaints about the netters but that's something WDFW can do nothing about. what they CAN do however is reduce native mortality rate by shutting the rivers down to recreational fishing. As much as I want to go chase around steelhead and springers, i'm glad they're making some moves to improve the puget sound rivers.
I am sure WDFW is well aware of the effects of tribal netting, but they are also aware of the effects of poaching (which occurs often) and the drastic change in mortality rate by harassing much needed spawning natives.
my gripe isn't with shutting down the netting. It's better managing closed waters because you know on any given day, you can find some poacher tucked away behind bushes tossing giant treble hooks and worms, snatching up everything from natives to dolly's.
as for the netting in Skagit, i believe they are not netting for native steelhead. I believe it is for king salmon and spring sockeye. THe gillnets for salmon and steelhead are very much different in size of mesh and selective (to a certain degree).
Mesh size for kings have to be 7 1/4"+ while steelhead mesh are usually around 5".
Yes, there are natives that get caught in the gillnets, but if they are netting for kings, the numbers of native steelhead caught in those gillnets are much fewer. I just read some article about this...i'll post it up if i can find it.
at the end of the day, any action is better than no action. better to shut down sport fishing even if there's minimal benefits to the river system. netting is out of our controls and out of WDFW's control. what we can do is bring up awareness to the public in NOT purchasing wild steelhead in restaraunts and markets as grocery stores and restaurants are buying them from the tribal netters themselves commercially.
no demand = no market for wild steelhead. if you goto Pikes Place Market, they're selling wild steelhead with adipose fin's. All netted from the Hoh and various other OP rivers. I believe the Wild Steelhead Coallition along with lots of fisherman emailed Pikes Place market to bring up awareness of our conditions of steelhead. This kind of action is valuable, instead of complaining about netting.
anyway. fish south, east, or west. the spring king's should be coming in anyway

I'm sure everyone here won't be missing the puget sound rivers much with a 20lb king at the end of their line