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65lb or 80lb braid for the Tigers?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:32 pm
by Teal101
Wondering if I should use 65lb braid or step up to 80lb for the Tigers. Will be using lures up to 8oz with a titanium leader. I dont want to be under gunned, but 65lb is pretty strong. What do you guys use?

Re: 65lb or 80lb braid for the Tigers?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:39 pm
by kevinb
Ironically I use both. I have 80 on one of my rods that I tend to use more for jerkbaits and 65 on my bucktail/spinnerbait rod. However,that isn't a secret method.I was just experimenting with various lines.

Re: 65lb or 80lb braid for the Tigers?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 4:01 pm
by Teal101
Had any issues with the 65? I was planning on going with 65lb as I can get it from Tackle Warehouse, they dont carry 80lb super slick power pro. I'll mainly be using swimbaits, topwaters, bucks, and raiders.

Re: 65lb or 80lb braid for the Tigers?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 4:11 pm
by kevinb
I havn't had any problems but I've only used it on one rod setup,so I can't compare it to other rod sizes
but it seems to do very well and I can cast a country mile with it.

Re: 65lb or 80lb braid for the Tigers?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 5:40 pm
by Mark K
I did use 50 and experienced one issue which is why i put on the 80. I had about a 40inch fish on that dove to the bottom and started rolling. She ended up wrapping the leader all the way around her head until the line got into her gill plates. It cut the line like butter and the fish was gone with a $20 lure in its lip.

I don't think for a second it wouldn't cut through the 80 like it did the 50 but I switched anyways. The big thing I did learn with that though was use a longer leader. Mine was 12" so it didn't take much to wrap around the head. I now tie at least 18" and I know people that will directly tie over 24" of flourocarbon straight to their line. Hopefully that helps you a bit.

Re: 65lb or 80lb braid for the Tigers?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 5:51 pm
by muskyhunter
Hey Teal,
Great question. I use both. 65 and 80lb. Ironically the Power Pro 65 lb that I just had put on my reel last Saturday with Kevinb down at Fish Country landed all 6 of the muskies that Kevin netted with me. I use 65 lb for lighter bucktails and lighter baits and lighter action rods. And 80lb for heavier baits including bulldawgs. And my XH musky rods. Either line weight would be sufficient. I did try a spool of 80lb Tuff Line for the first time and pretty happy with its performance too.

Re: 65lb or 80lb braid for the Tigers?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:28 am
by edw
I use 100lb and on one rod 120lb. This heavy line will not bird nest as bad as smaller line and casting distance is the same as 80 or 65. I like to tie directly to 100lb Seagar and the Seagar directly to the lure-no swivels or snaps. This heavy braid allows for a good knot to fluorocarbon. If you are a mega lure changer this wont work good for you though.

Re: 65lb or 80lb braid for the Tigers?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:39 pm
by Don Wittenberger