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50 inch limit ?
Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:31 pm
by muskyhunter
Just a rant here. Okay. I was on Tapps today and ran across a gent who was fishing for bass. He saw my boat put a musky in the net yesterday. Today we talked again. We talked about musky fishing. He told me he caught one and ate one after the spring plant. Under sized. I told him theres a 50 inch limit on these creatures. He had that "wholly crap" look on his face. He had no idea there is a 50 inch limit. Does anyone ever read the regulations on a particular species they are fishing for anymore. Looks like there is still alot of work to do on the water educating folks on these muskies. If anyone has a photo of the sign or signs that were made to promote this rule how about posting it again.
Look, I'm one guy on the water promoting the fishery. I know theres like one other guy fishing muskies promoting the size limit. Lets get some more folks out there to get this 50 inch limit reg beaten into folks heads. Obviously some folks cannot read and need a picture to help them. Thanks. Done with my rant!
Todd Reis
Just one Musky fisherman
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:36 pm
by RiverChromeGS
arent the big ones spawners? why do they allow killing big ones only>?
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:36 pm
by Rosann G
They are sterile fish, planted by the WDFW to help take care of the garbage fish in lakes around the state. They help make it so you can catch fish the size you would like to catch instead of dinks.
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:25 am
by dougw
Good rant none the less Muskyhunter. I just talked with WDFW a couple of weeks ago and had their crews replace a bunch of the 50" min signs. Mark had noticed the ones on Newman gone, and the ones on Silver are pretty beat up. Rest easy though, you aren't the only one out there educating the other anglers. The problem is, there is so little enforcement. Couple that for a lack of effort on the angler's part to read the regulation. Makes for the short end of the stick when such a limited number of tigers are in these lakes to start with.....
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:18 pm
by Teal101
I educate people every year at Curlew about the fish, not only the regulations but the fish itself. Lots of misinformation and ignorance out there. I will be up there starting the 23rd for some Musky action and will make sure to spread the word and report if needed.
On a good note, the signs at Evergreen Res. are still up and are in good shape.
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:41 pm
by dougw
Teal101, Mark K and I will be up there for the weekend too. We will be in a Skeeter bass boat. We'll have to hook up!
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:00 pm
by Teal101
dougw wrote:Teal101, Mark K and I will be up there for the weekend too. We will be in a Skeeter bass boat. We'll have to hook up!
I'll be at Tiffanys with my parents and my girlfriend. We stay right on the point where the old dock used to be. If I see you out there I'll swing on by, we'll be in a camo 17' Lowe.

Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:09 pm
by dougw
We'll be in the smallest cabin Fisherman's has across the lake from you. There will be 4 of us in the boat. Three adults and my 8 year old son.... Hopefully I can keep him entertained for three days on the water!
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:11 pm
by Teal101
Give him a rod with a shallow crankbait or smoke colored 3" curly tail grub and he can catch those bass till hes exhausted! Love that lake.
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:51 pm
by muskyhunter
Doesn't your chapter have a way to photo copy a 50 inch rule sign? Then you could just hand them out to the resorts up there. They could put them in their pamphlets so when the clients come up they'd have a cheat sheet to have and see when they get there? This is where Muskies Inc or CMA need to step it up and educate some folks. Whats their motto..Fishery, Education and Youth... I know education is top of M.I's list. 5 % of their monies raised going to support education. So c'mon..bring it!
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:40 pm
by dougw
The ones at the lake are all beat to crap, or I would take a picture of it and print it off. WDFW didn't have the file available to send me. I may just copy it as best I can and print it off.
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:12 pm
by Natebg1
Hey Doug,
A buddy and I are more than likely going to be making a trip over towards Courd'alene for some Pike this Friday evening and then we were thinking about making a stop to catch some Tigers on our way back home if possible. My buddy has never caught either a Pike or a Musky for that matter and He is PUMPED to catch both!!! Heck I am PUMPED to get him into each one, this is what I live for! Nothing like passing down fishing tradition to someone new who has never had the pleasure of catching either one. Are you going to be up at Curlew on Sunday? Give me a shout and let me know, I am going to see if maybe I can convince old Sparky to maybe make an appearance as well since He passed on the last trip on our way home from Canada. Talk with you later.
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:34 pm
by dougw
Yes I will be at Curlew Friday Saturday Sunday. Pumped about it!!!!
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:08 pm
by Teal101
Hey Doug, if you manage to snap a picture or get the file I can make some copies and see if Tiffanys will put them in their check in/gift shop. Let me know

Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:24 pm
by dougw
I'll get some made up somehow and bring them up
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:44 pm
by Mark K
I did notice a nice big brand new sign at the Newman launch on Saturday Doug. Thanks for contacting WDFW and getting that done!
Re: 50 inch limit ?
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:09 pm
by bass kickin redneck
Lake tapps is a way better fishery since they put tigers in it i fish for bass and I've caught a few tigers but the bass fishing is Alot better now