Washington Musky Challenge
Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:41 pm
Hey everybody, (whoever's left here)
I followed 8theB8's county challenge and was really inspired to take on a challenge to myself.
After landing several from Mayfield and an absolute beast from Merwin, I figured maybe I could steal a page from 8's book and do a Washington musky lake tour.
The first thing I realized was I couldn't do it in one season, I run a one man metal fabrication shop and my busy time coincides with fishing season, on top of that, the closest musky lake to me is 130 miles away. So, I decided not to put a time limit on it.
The second thing I decided was any tiger boated and photographed would count, no matter the size. These things aren't the easiest to catch so I figure they're all trophies.
That was in 2018.
I currently stand at 5 lakes successful with 2 lakes left, Evergreen and Curlew and its starting to sink in that I may actually do this. I'll post all the pics with a rundown of each experience once it's over.
I know it may not seem like a big accomplishment but I'm wondering if anyone has ever done this or is aware of anyone doing this?
Once again, I wouldn't have even thought of attempting this if it weren't for 8theB8 so I'd like to thank him once again for the inspiration. It's been an amazing experience
I followed 8theB8's county challenge and was really inspired to take on a challenge to myself.
After landing several from Mayfield and an absolute beast from Merwin, I figured maybe I could steal a page from 8's book and do a Washington musky lake tour.
The first thing I realized was I couldn't do it in one season, I run a one man metal fabrication shop and my busy time coincides with fishing season, on top of that, the closest musky lake to me is 130 miles away. So, I decided not to put a time limit on it.
The second thing I decided was any tiger boated and photographed would count, no matter the size. These things aren't the easiest to catch so I figure they're all trophies.
That was in 2018.
I currently stand at 5 lakes successful with 2 lakes left, Evergreen and Curlew and its starting to sink in that I may actually do this. I'll post all the pics with a rundown of each experience once it's over.
I know it may not seem like a big accomplishment but I'm wondering if anyone has ever done this or is aware of anyone doing this?
Once again, I wouldn't have even thought of attempting this if it weren't for 8theB8 so I'd like to thank him once again for the inspiration. It's been an amazing experience