But I saw some strange water movement, kind of like when a bunch of bubble come out of the water. So I headed over to check it out, Ive never seen so many fish heads sticking out of the water in one spot in a tight group. They had there heads, eyes and 2 inches of there back out of the water, with there mouth wide open scooping the film off the top of the water. There were 60+ heads sticking out of the water, it seemed they were all looking at me to, because I was heading straight for them. I got within 5 feet of them, and then the trout eruption began. It actually scared me, it was so loud and created mass water disruption. Then about hour later, I was changing my wedding ring and got blown by the wind to shore. My back was to the shore, and apparently my boat trapped a 5lb carp between it and the shore. That fish made this huge splash a foot behind me and scared me again.