Trout eruption

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Trout eruption

Post by GeryG » Fri May 20, 2011 10:00 pm

This morning on a lake I never fished for trout, as I was heading out into the middle of the lake I kept seeing a lot of water movement, fish where jumping every where.:)
But I saw some strange water movement, kind of like when a bunch of bubble come out of the water. So I headed over to check it out, Ive never seen so many fish heads sticking out of the water in one spot in a tight group. They had there heads, eyes and 2 inches of there back out of the water, with there mouth wide open scooping the film off the top of the water. There were 60+ heads sticking out of the water, it seemed they were all looking at me to, because I was heading straight for them. I got within 5 feet of them, and then the trout eruption began. It actually scared me, it was so loud and created mass water disruption. Then about hour later, I was changing my wedding ring and got blown by the wind to shore. My back was to the shore, and apparently my boat trapped a 5lb carp between it and the shore. That fish made this huge splash a foot behind me and scared me again.#-o Now I know why its call Eire.:cyclopsan

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RE:Trout eruption

Post by Amx » Fri May 20, 2011 10:05 pm

What got me was when you said, "I was changing my wedding ring". That stumped me. Why would he change his wedding ring. Seeing the second wife and need that ring instead of the ring for the first wife? [img= ... nfused.gif]t[/img]

Then it hit me, 'wedding ring', trout fishing drag along behind the boat stuff. Hey, don't blame me, I flunked the trout fishing test the other week. [lol] [flapper]
Last edited by Amx on Fri May 20, 2011 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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RE:Trout eruption

Post by Stacie Kelsey » Fri May 20, 2011 10:29 pm

Amx - I thought the same thing! I was like "ooohhhhh". :-$

That's really interesting behavior. I'll pass it on to some of my co-workers see if they've heard anything like that.

Now, I've had the beejesus scared out of me by big sturgeon bumping into the shock boat at night. That'll make you think of scary lake monster movies and consider wetting your drawers!

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RE:Trout eruption

Post by Amx » Fri May 20, 2011 10:32 pm

Just jump in the lake and go swimming for a couple minutes. No-one will know how they REALLY got wet. :-"

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RE:Trout eruption

Post by Stacie Kelsey » Fri May 20, 2011 10:58 pm

Those are carp! I should have realized that initially (long day!) but my coworker pointed that's just a scum run. They and even bluegill will skim the scum.
Last edited by Stacie Kelsey on Fri May 20, 2011 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RE:Trout eruption

Post by GeryG » Fri May 20, 2011 11:15 pm

They were trout. The carp scared me right next to shore

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RE:Trout eruption

Post by Stacie Kelsey » Sat May 21, 2011 7:15 am

That's interesting. Normally trout don't group like that, but carp will.
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RE:Trout eruption

Post by 'OL GREY DOG » Sat May 21, 2011 11:39 am

i was golf'n some years ago....pull'd a shot left close to the lake.....was lay'n on good grass but the fairway get'n to it was a lil i tip toes out there....get set 'n wack it 1...well the ground be'n wet it made a pretty loud noise....and a 100 ft of shore line "erupted"....was ? 100s of carp...'n i spooked 'em...scared the snot(or somethin) outta i look up and my play'n partner is about 25 yards into the next fairway walk'n bk towards his bag...i just duck'd/cringed lololol...he had drop'd his bag 'n run like play'n behind us were roll'n on the ground laugh'n

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RE:Trout eruption

Post by Stacie Kelsey » Sat May 21, 2011 2:57 pm

That is funny!
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RE:Trout eruption

Post by natetreat » Sat May 21, 2011 3:39 pm

I was fishing at scriber lake in Lynnwood yesterday evening and saw trout behaving in a similar fashion. There are cutthroat trout in scriber lake, they aren't stocked, or haven't been for a while. But they would run around the top of the water like you described, with their heads out. They didn't freak out like you described, but they were grouped up and skimming the surface. Weird.

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RE:Trout eruption

Post by Marc Martyn » Sat May 21, 2011 4:13 pm

Sounds like a large hatch was coming off.

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RE:Trout eruption

Post by Matt » Sun May 22, 2011 2:49 am

Marc Martyn wrote:Sounds like a large hatch was coming off.
I was thinking planktonic activity possibly.
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RE:Trout eruption

Post by Matt » Sun May 22, 2011 2:51 am

Stacie Kelsey wrote:
Now, I've had the beejesus scared out of me by big sturgeon bumping into the shock boat at night. That'll make you think of scary lake monster movies and consider wetting your drawers!

Sitting silently in the river or slough and having one of those slosh around right near you are breach out of the water will make you about jump OUT of the boat, lol.
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