Trolling with braided line with Gore

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Trolling with braided line with Gore

Post by GeryG » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:54 pm

I was wondering if any one out there is using this braided line with Gore?
I bought some of the Sufix 8-32 with Gore but noticed there is another braided line
with several strands of Gore. I havent tried the sufix yet, I bought it for bass fishing. I was thinking if the other braided line with more Gore causes the line to
sink faster, it might be better for trolling for trout, or other fish once they go deep if you dont like using a down rigger. Anybody out there try this, The new line with 3 strand of Gore just came out this year. Doesnt sound like its good for casting
from a report I read, they said the Sufix is better. But for trolling?

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RE:Trolling with braided line with Gore

Post by G-Man » Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:09 pm

For trolling, I'd doubt that you would notice any difference it the depths you reach regardless of which braid you use so long as the diameters are equal. Where a sinking or floating braid will help or hurt is with the casting/still fishing crowd. If I'm going to be tossing a weightless worm rig, a line that floats is not going to make me happy. Conversely, if I'm fishing a float on a river, a line that floats is a benefit.

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