We finally made it to Chelan to start or 2 weeks of WA.
We arrived Monday afternoon and launched at Mill Bay. What a great ramp! I headed to Manson and found our slip at the city Parks and Recreation dock. This is truly a 1st class operation. Nice slips, electricity, and restrooms with showers. You can camp in your boat if it is big enough!
We stayed at the Mountain View. Another nice place...they even have gas grills and etc set up in a really nice pavillion and they lend you the utensils.
Day one:
We head out at daylight and go straight to the Blue Roof Condos. We both are anxious to try our gear on the local fish. I put down a chrome Apex and Sepp's dodger and purple/yellow Uncle Larry's spinner behind a silver and green dodger. Froggie puts down a Murphy's Lolli-Pop bug with a Warermelon Rocky Mountain WildThing dodger and a Mac Tackle Wedding Ring (brass and red) and a red sparkle dodger.
We caught fish on all of them. We caught fish right away. We fished that area a few hours and caught 13 nice kokes between 12 and 15 inches. We sometimes got closer to the Chelan Shores and sometime towards Rocky Point but down at the lower end most of the morning. 10:30 or so we pulled out anwent up by Monument, Wapato Point and the State
Park...no action there. We quit around 1:00. Today's fish were all on my Apex, Capt Ken's Orange Diamond, and Mag Tackle's pink splatter micro-mini mag spinner/hootchie.
Day two: Due to a mix up on our tags we can only use one rod each now.
We head out early into some strong wind. We motor to the lower end and it is way too rough to fish. Looks like time to try new territory. We blast to the state park and drop in. My Apex draws first blood and we manage 3 before the wind lays down. We head back to the "Blue Roof" area and start trolling. Time to try some new stuff. My Apex is still working but Froggie goes to a Capt Ken's Orange Diamond spinner behind one of his Orandge Crush dodger...fish on!
The fishing is tougher and we only end up with 6 fish day two. They are all between 12-16 inches today. When we get back to the slip with meet a local guy staying in his cuddy cabin at the slips. Randy is an awesome guy and really shared a lot of great info. He invited us to try a couple of places with him the next day...he even lent me a cord to plug in my boat.
Day three:
Once again the wind is up so we follow Rany out and tuck in behind Wapato Point. The bite was on. I get bit on my Apex and boat a beautiful 15 incher. As I'm putting back down Froggie's Orange Diamond starts singinging....the clicker was going reee...as she grabs it...after some jumps and dives she boats a shiny silver bullet right at 16 inches. there was lull as we circled back in....wham my apex goes off and I have a 17 inch beauty...this is the only fish we kept all week...(we are gonna be on the road for 2 weeks we can't keep them frozen). The next couple of hours were fun. We'd have a lull then a nice fish and then it stopped. We lost as many as we boated! We had 6 between 15 an 17 inches in like 3 hours...wow!
We pulled up and headed for the Blue Roofs. We managed 3 more before we went exploring else where. We tried the State Park, Monument, and Wapato Point with no luck. We finally called it quits at 1:00. What a great day! We did boat one critter at Monument. A duck adopted us. He was following so close he was riding the eddy by the swim step...he finally climbed up on our swim step and set down...then our 9 month lab/dachsaund mix pup saw him...Good thing I was watching cause Daegan (the pup) was airborne over the transom before I caught him.
What worked: Apex, spinners, lollipop bug and one on a bubble gum hootchie.
What it smelled like: Garlic, anise, and lunker lotion were the best scents
How fast: 1.2-1.5 on the gps
How deep: early 50-70 feet, late 54-102 feet
Tomorrow we hit Hayden or Pend Orielle and then the next day we switch...I'll post.
Froggie has the pics.
See you out there
PS: we noticed no one uses vhf up here...it sure is fun to brag on the radio!
Chelan June 9, 10, 11
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Re: Chelan June 9, 10, 11
Here are some pics...
Trolling the blue roofed condo area:
Some fish pics:
Capt. Ken's Orange Crush:
Chrome Apex w/ chrome dodger was the hot lure:
Lollipop strikes again:
Daegan & Mocha watching the poles:
Another nice one:
My turn to watch the poles:
Really clear water, downrigger ball at 10':
Only one we kept:
Trolling the blue roofed condo area:

Some fish pics:

Capt. Ken's Orange Crush:

Chrome Apex w/ chrome dodger was the hot lure:

Lollipop strikes again:

Daegan & Mocha watching the poles:

Another nice one:

My turn to watch the poles:

Really clear water, downrigger ball at 10':

Only one we kept:

- Angler
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:42 am
Re: Chelan June 9, 10, 11
Awesome report! This weekend I'm probably going to hit sprague lake or pend oreille for my first lake to fish since moving here (spokane).
- Mike Carey
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- Posts: 7765
- Joined: Sun Apr 01, 2007 10:56 am
- Location: Redmond, WA
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Re: Chelan June 9, 10, 11
nice! I added those pics to your posted report.