Fish were hitting topwater so I did not add any weight and trolled just fast enough for the spoon to wobble instead of wiggle. I caught at least 20 fish in a couple of hours!

Rob G. wrote:needlefish
I have learned to like these also this weekendFisherman_max wrote:As of yesterday my favorite trolling lure is a floating rapala with a little weight ahead of the lure about 2 feet. caught me a huge holdover rainbow.
Glad I could help. I do find that using the single Siwashs, I land the fish I hook much more then with those trebles...I would sometimes miss as many as 50% of my strikes and when hooked, 50% of the fish...No fun to have that happen...Dave wrote:In a recent Post Sam Kafelafish provided us with a tip for better hook sets by changing out the treble hooks on size F4 flatfish and putting on a Gamakatsu size 8 Siwash hook. Sam said this could also be done on other trout plugs. This worked noticeably better for me yesterday forcing the trout to hook themselves during the strike all but eliminating the fishes ability to throw the hook. I have lost many fish using a treble hook and on yesterday's trip to Heart Lake in Skagit County, I didn't miss a fish. I was very impressed with this set up and now definitely recommend it as well. Thanks to Sam for the tip, it worked like a champ.
I don't think that any small plug/crankbait would have it's action imparted/ruined by using a single Siwash instead of a treble hook....Dave wrote:Thanks again Sam. The hook set was amazing! These fish I caught were hooked so well, I could have played them for hours and given them slack and they would have never got off. I will never use a flatfish again without using the setup you recommended. Good call for sure. I have some Rebel mini craws and some small sinking Rapalas. Do you think these would work with the same single hook set up or would it effect the action? Thanks.
How do you make elongated power Bait?Awoods wrote:elongated powerbait. It works like a charm
It's like a hot dog shaped glob of PB, as opposed to a simple collector wrote:How do you make elongated power Bait?Awoods wrote:elongated powerbait. It works like a charm
I have used those promise keepers they aren't that new they catch big fish:cheers: I believe at the Offut lakes Opener third place was caught on one:-$fishing collector wrote:I was watching a fishing show on FSN this morning and they were at Rufus Woods. It was winter time. They were using some new lures from Mack's called "Promise Keepers" the color was Black/Blue with a Black bucktail with some shiney threads in it. After watching them catch and release 10 Trips and keep some in the 8lb range, I think I will add these to my box. I ended up ordering them direct from Mack's in Wenachee because I could not find them local. Another lure they used was called a Hum Bait, Quiver Spoon. Mack's is the same company that makes "Wedding Rings". The guys fishing said that these lures would not be sent to retail outlets until April/May. If anyone has seen these post a blip. I couldn't find them after calling some stores around Edmonds. Yep! This lure is a definite keeper!!
That show was called Hawg Quest its on my tivo i like those guys:cheers:fishing collector wrote:I was watching a fishing show on FSN this morning and they were at Rufus Woods. It was winter time. They were using some new lures from Mack's called "Promise Keepers" the color was Black/Blue with a Black bucktail with some shiney threads in it. After watching them catch and release 10 Trips and keep some in the 8lb range, I think I will add these to my box. I ended up ordering them direct from Mack's in Wenachee because I could not find them local. Another lure they used was called a Hum Bait, Quiver Spoon. Mack's is the same company that makes "Wedding Rings". The guys fishing said that these lures would not be sent to retail outlets until April/May. If anyone has seen these post a blip. I couldn't find them after calling some stores around Edmonds. Yep! This lure is a definite keeper!!