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Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:32 pm
by GeryG
While trolling today for trout, I caught a bunch, and 2 of them had those double hook setups in them. These are fish killers. They pass the treble hook through there but, and boy does that look painful, and the other hook is still in there mouth, with the line attaching the two hooks. These need to be outlawed. Some have one treble hook and one egg hook and the other has 2 treble hooks. They come with like 2 pound test and it alway breaks, and the fish suffer.:thumbdown I see this every year. I cut the line and try to help them out as best as I can, because I release all my fish.
Some times they get so tangled up in the line that they cant straighten out.
Alittle help from the Fish and Game please:sunny:

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:38 pm
by zen leecher aka Bill W
THREE hooks on one line is legal.

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:48 pm
by kingfisher101
Well,i agree but not all come with 2 lb line i get 10 lb which works fine, but release the fish unharmed before i release all my fish i recover them and even bend the barbs except when im going for diffrent species..and thanks for takig the hooks out most of those fish will die soon from the pain we dont want that

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:02 am
by The Quadfather
TG4, post a link to what this hook set up looks like, that you are talking about. Im curious.

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:18 am
by Bodofish
Oh here we go...... Puleeeze.

I suppose they feel your single hook less? Here's the news, fish don't feel pain, at least not the way we think of pain.

I use double hook setups all the time and I've never lost one. Use appropriate sized line.

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:01 pm
by edge540
X2 on posting a picture. Id like to see what your talking about.

Are you talking about the power bait treble rigs? Ive caught THOUSANDS of fish on my own hand tied double hook rigs while trolling (like a salmon leader) and only ever had a couple hooks I couldn't recover. However I would never still-fish a treble hook. I don't think there needs to be any more freaking fishing rules. These fish are bought and paid for by everyone that buys a fishing license and there are already too many rules. At the same time I hate to see ignorant people killing fish but I honestly dont need another rule to worry about. :-#

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:21 pm
by BentRod
edge540 wrote:X2 on posting a picture. Id like to see what your talking about.

Are you talking about the power bait treble rigs? Ive caught THOUSANDS of fish on my own hand tied double hook rigs while trolling (like a salmon leader) and only ever had a couple hooks I couldn't recover. However I would never still-fish a treble hook. I don't think there needs to be any more freaking fishing rules. These fish are bought and paid for by everyone that buys a fishing license and there are already too many rules. At the same time I hate to see ignorant people killing fish but I honestly dont need another rule to worry about. :-#

If it is indeed the double hook setup using the small terebles, which I've seen people do off the fishing piers, then I agree, it's not a setup I condone, but it is legal as far as I know. I don't have a problem with the single point hooks run in tandem though.

Regardless, no matter what rules are made, you're still going to see ignorant people kiling fish and those same ignorant people are not going to care about rules. Rules are only followed by those of us who care about the fishery in the first place. Very similar to the adage "If guns were outlawed, then only outlaws would have guns."

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:25 pm
by edge540
BentRod wrote:
If it is indeed the double hook setup using the small terebles, which I've seen people do off the fishing piers, then I agree, it's not a setup I condone, but it is legal as far as I know. I don't have a problem with the single point hooks run in tandem though.

Regardless, no matter what rules are made, you're still going to see ignorant people kiling fish and those same ignorant people are not going to care about rules. Rules are only followed by those of us who care about the fishery in the first place. Very similar to the adage "If guns were outlawed, then only outlaws would have guns."

Well Said!

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:31 pm
by G-Man
There really isn't a reason to make any rule changes, waters with native fish are normally slapped with the "selective gear restriction" which limits you one one single point barbless hook. If you are fishing in a put and take lake, the fish are there to be harvested.

I am curious though, as to why one would need a double hook rig for still fishing. Is the treble to be used just as a bait holder? That would make it kind of like a hair rig one uses for carp. If so, you don't really need a hook to hold the bait, a loop will work as well. Just wait until the fish swallows the bait, like most still fishers do anyways, and reel in your line to set the hook in the corner of the mouth.

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:13 pm
by bionic_one
We certainly don't want to hurt any of those planter sea kittens now do we?

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:03 pm
by Anglinarcher
T4G wrote:While trolling today for trout, I caught a bunch, and 2 of them had those double hook setups in them. These are fish killers. They pass the treble hook through there but, and boy does that look painful, and the other hook is still in there mouth, with the line attaching the two hooks. These need to be outlawed. Some have one treble hook and one egg hook and the other has 2 treble hooks. They come with like 2 pound test and it alway breaks, and the fish suffer.:thumbdown I see this every year. I cut the line and try to help them out as best as I can, because I release all my fish.
Some times they get so tangled up in the line that they cant straighten out.
Alittle help from the Fish and Game please:sunny:
I have to ask. If the fish were still feeding, with the hooking hanging out, then how can we assume that the fish is in any danger?

Additionally, it has been proved time and time again that fish do not feel pain like we do, so while it may LOOK painful, that is humanizing the fish, not a valid observation.

Third, the hooks will rust out or dissolve fairly soon, so if the fish is feeding, it will be fine.

I understand your problem with 2 lb test line, but the flip side of this is that as many hooks are lost due to stupid knots then to light line. Do we outlaw knots as well, or perhaps we require knot tying classes to be able to fish?#-o

This is a case of an emotional response, not a logical. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with emotions, but temper them with a moment of logical thought please.

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:37 pm
by Matt
+1 million on whoever said we already have enough regulation! #-o

If this is planter trout we are talking about I don't see the difference, they are non-native to the ecosystem and produced for harvest.

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:44 am
by Anglinarcher
Oops, double post.

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:25 pm
by GeryG
Sorry I upset so many of you. I wasnt addressing the pain the fish might feel.
It's the infections that kills.
South Bend is the manufacture of these set ups.
Im sorry 2 pound test with double treble hooks, seems stupid to me.
Once they tie a knot the 2 pound test looses its strenth.
I'll keep my opinion to my self for now on.

RE:Stop the use of double hook set ups for trout

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:39 pm
by MarkFromSea
T4G wrote:Sorry I upset so many of you. I wasnt addressing the pain the fish might feel.
It's the infections that kills.
South Bend is the manufacture of these set ups.
Im sorry 2 pound test with double treble hooks, seems stupid to me.
Once they tie a knot the 2 pound test looses its strenth.
I'll keep my opinion to my self for now on.
I don't see any reason to keep your opinion to yourself. It's all good! As soon as I saw South Bend in the above, well, that tells all of us what we need to know about the line quality. LMAO South Bend is junk. A few years back I used some 2 lb, better brand, I didn't like losing the trout or perch due to the lite line strength. I use 6 now as even 4 lb, after catching a few fish, easily gets tooth scratches and wouldn't hold up Charlotte(the spider). I don't agree with outlawing it as we are over regulated already. I do agree on spreading the word that 2lb South Bend line is junk regardless of the setup and anglers shouldn't waste their money on South Bend except for lead weights. If you like the taste of trout, you should reward yourself by eating a few! :) No sense in throwing them all back if you like to eat em! =d>