Hi all, sorry that I don't visit much but I moved to Louisiana recently and just got on to see how everyone was doing.
First, the Spokesman Review is pretty lame. Most of their fishing reports are re-worded or outright plagiarism from reports directly off this and other sites. Most of the rest of what they print regarding fishing and hunting is hear-say or old information. So keep that in mind when you read it. When I lived there, I wouldn't waste my money on it.
Yes, Rock is a great place to fish. It is perhaps the best Brown Trout fishery in Washington, the North-West, maybe even all of North America.
But, greatness comes with a price. Many have died from the dangers in the lake, either from the rocks just under the surface or the wind and waves that get funneled up the lake at times. Still, it is safe enough with proper boating precautions. A kayaker died of Hypothermia just a few years ago and two brothers almost died when their boat hit rocks (near the skull and crossbones area) and it sunk. Safe enough, but it is not a safe lake for beginners or risk takers.
Second, as Hews said, the launch sucks. It is primitive at best, requiring the greatest of launching skills, or the smaller boats, or both. But, smaller boats can kill in Rock. I have a 17.5' Lund style boat with an Easy Loader Torsion Spring axle. I can take the wheels to the edge of the cliff drop-off and slowly lower it over to load and unload a boat. If you have leave springs instead, well sucks to be you.
Keep your speed down if you are within 200 yards of the shore until you learn the lake. Go during the summer if you can launch so that you can actually see the rocks.
Last, I have never posted the GPS coordinates for the obstacles and I won't do it now. We live in a sue happy society where you can sue me because I don't like the color or your eyes. The judge will probably toss it out, but not until I spend the money to defend myself. I will not defend myself because someone took my information and either misread it or found a spot I missed. So, note clearly, the map I am attaching is approximate only and I take no responsibility for it.
OK, more information. No dirt, rock, or other dam has been placed on this lake since the 1920's or 30's. The state would never allow one now without numerous permits and landowner compensation and .......
Not going to happen. As indicated on the drawing, there is an old dam remnant and there was once a private marina where the public launch is now. The concrete pillars you see on the South side are parts of the old overflow. I once met the gentleman that owns the land that the state leases and he showed me pictures and told me stories about it. I guess that the dam might have raised it 3 to 5 feet, which would have helped a lot with the rocks.
Next, if you are a photo analyst, perhaps a military spy satellite photo expert, then you can use Google Earth to preview the lake for obstacles. Note that the June photo of this year was especially good. BUT, if you don't know what you are doing, it will give you a false sense of security...... and I am not there to tow you off the lake anymore.
Yep, I towed an average of two boats a year for the last 10 years off of Rock...... broken props, bent or damaged lower ends, broken transom. SLOW it down until you learn the lake.
Side notes: the attachment about rock is interesting, but littered with incorrect information. The cave never had a still, and it does not now. It was a booze hiding spot during prohibition. There was no obsidian deposit, but there was a smoky quartz vein that has been removed by someone within the last 5 years. There are train cars in the lake, but not close to Jensen's beach. I have mapped them with my sidefinder and I have located some of the train cars, but the Model T's, if they existed, wound up in over 200' of water. My underwater camera always shows the water is too muddy to see once you get below 50' or so, no mater what time of year, even with Infrared light. Hint, follow the old track path and look for an almost impossible turn ..... then go straight over the cliff.
Sorry this has been a long post, but look at the good side, you probably won't have to tolerate my post any longer. LOL
Live long, fish hard, and save some of those trophy browns for the next guy.