8100ft. Good fun!).
This is a view looking into the first meadow coming back from the second:

About 250 yards behind us were this pic was taken we encountered a Grizzly Sow and 2 cubs. A little unnerving, but it was more intertested in her cubs and eating Choke Cherries then chasing humans anyway.
In the Creek, we caught a ton of these:

Native Yellowstone Cuttthroat Trout. As majestic as the park makes them out to be, in reality these 16-18" Cutthroats are really dumb, they eat just about anything, and don't fight very hard at all. They make Westslope Cutties look like Tarpon in the fighting department
I figured this photo captures Yellowstone Park at it's finest:

Bull Elk Skull. It's spine was down stream a ways............