Lake Tapps, Panfish

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Lake Tapps, Panfish

Post by topdawg47 » Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:23 pm

Wondering if anyone has information on Lake Tapps panfish? I here Crappie are present, any truth?

Smallies and Musky are the norm to fish for, so trying my luck with a new challenge to catch/locate the Crappie in Lake Tapps.

Or if you have information on Perch in Lake Tapps?


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Re: Lake Tapps, Panfish

Post by Ryan44 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:36 pm

I've caught both crappie and perch in tapps some really big crappie actually. They also have a decent rockbass population. I've never done very well for them when the water is this cold it was 59 2 days ago. Try the cove at the far northeast of the lake. north of the lion house and east of the east side of the PSE camground. its got a ton of down logs and a few weed beds. I have never targeted them there, but had them pick up jigs and dropshots. Im guessing lighter tackle and appropriate panfish jigs would produce good results. Its prob a tad cold still though to be really hot. Let me know how it goes.

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Re: Lake Tapps, Panfish

Post by topdawg47 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:06 pm

Hey Ryan44-

Thanks for the reply, appreciate the knowledge! I just started fishing Tapps last summer. And, I have only caught Rock Bass and Small Mouths. I have an ok map of lake Tapps, but don't know it that well. I don't have a boat, only a pontoon boat.

Do you know of any launch points for small pontoon close enough to the area(s) you are suggesting?

Again, thanks for the post reply.

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Re: Lake Tapps, Panfish

Post by Ryan44 » Thu May 03, 2012 2:56 pm

check out the county launch on the north side of tapps, if you get their early in the morning they open at 7 and usually dont start charging any money till 8-9ish. Right now I dont even think they are charging until the weather gets nice. They have a launch and most of the county park you can get a small pontoon boat in from much of the shore. From the county launch you will see 3 long points that com out. In between the first two points is the swim area, the next cove over is the still part of the park but not a swim area, try and launch from there or make your way there. the channel in that cove is about 15-20 feet in the cove with lots of trees just under water, should give you the wood structure your crappies like. you can continue east by boat there, the next cove over is a private PSE cove and the next one east from that is a much bigger cove with even more down trees. The cove will keep you out of the main traffic and you can usually do pretty well there. Good luck, Hope this makes sense and let me know if you have any questions.

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Re: Lake Tapps, Panfish

Post by topdawg47 » Thu May 03, 2012 8:40 pm

Thanks Ryan, I'm sure I know the area and spots of mention. I plan to try it out Saturday from actual boat. Will let you know the results. I stopped by Tapps other day and scouted area. I wish SAturday was here lol. Thx again for your info!

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