'OL GREY DOG wrote:LOOK...i'm not try'n start a buncha "stuff" with anyone..or insult anyone...or make anyone feel stupid...not try'n to be a smart a#@ or a dumb a%*....not try'n to get a big 'ol fight go'n...so some "OVERLORD" or someone would lock us down....
i think/thought the forum was a place to bounce stuff like this around....dont know if you saw my other post(hahaha) talk'n to Stace...or my dissssgust'n story about the 2 dead limits on the bottom of the lake in front of the guy fish'n with "ARTIFICIAL" BAIT/DOUGH BAIT and looked at me like i was a idiot!!!!....that 1 was so bad that i(be'n a eyes in the woods guy)called dispatch..waited for the county cop to show up..and made a statement..dont know if anything ever came of it...wasnt a gamey in the area...<shrugs>...or noticed a 1/2 doz violations in reports(with pics even) the last few weeks???...just try'n to help...now a story...lolol
bouta guy...was a contractor/builder guy..worked 6 or 7 days a week pretty much 12 months a year...off and on..pretty much most of 30 years...his time off was precious and fishing ended up pretty low on the list...till he got hurt..couldnt work/build, couldnt golf, couldnt wrestle or coach wrestle'n...none of the stuff he loved to do...sooo started fish'n again...and i KNOW for a fact this guy broke allll kinds of rules,killed/caught alll kinds of stuff he shouldnt where he shouldnt have...LORDY...but then i sorta sat the guy down and showed him how sh#* had changed in a few DECADES..he says "i try'd to read that stupid pamphlet..couldnt make no sense of that thing...he stilll gets cornfused (mostly river sections and game mang areas lordy) but he's a lottttt better...the dumb a#$ was me....DOG

I've fished with maybe 20 guys from here. I look forward to having you in the back seat some day (boat back seat)